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"Eun!!" Taehyung shouted as he kicked open the door to the infirmary, wiping away his fake tears dramatically, making me roll my eyes.

"Taehyung you're acting like I just died." I said making him pout.

"You're not gonna die. I will protect you-

"EUNHEE!" Another two distinct voices called out for me as once again the door was kicked open making me flinch a little. It was Jina and Somi.

"Are you okay? What happened? Who did this to you?! I'll beat their ass!" Somi said and I swear I could see the fire in her eyes but she was held back by Jina who rolled her eyes at her, her long eyelashes fluttering beautifully.

Not going to lie, both of them are real beauties.

"Don't worry guys, I am okay, I just- sprained my ankle I guess," I said and shrugged to which they nodded.

"Where's Yoon-

At this, the door was again kicked open and it was none other than Yoongi who had a plastic bag in his hand. I didn't get the chance to even ask what it was when he shove me the bag.

"They are your favorite snack so don't whine much about how you sprained your ankle." He said making me chuckle as I grabbed the bag and placed it on the stand beside me. I heard the others hooting, but I didn't pay much attention to it because they don't know we are faking our relationship. I didn't want to tell them yet. And they are the only ones who know that we are dating. Yoongi said he's gonna tell his friends about me today, only so they don't bully me.

"Thank you." I said and gave him a smile.

"Lucky bitch. You are gonna skip the rest of the classes, isn't it?" Somi mumbled as Jina and the others laughed and patted her back.

"Yeah. Now you all should go back to your classes." I said as they nodded and started moving out, leaving me alone, even though Yoongi insisted on staying but I refused.

I sighed to myself in the now so quiet room. Taking my phone from the stand, I started scrolling through my social media, stalking people, careful not to accidentally like their post. I absentmindedly clicked on Jungkook's profile and scrolled through his posts. Honestly, every post and I mean it, every post of his was him looing good.

Suddenly, the door was kicked open again making me startled to death. I looked and saw a girl crying as she harshly wiped away her tears, and sat on the bed beside mine. It would have been really awkward if the curtain between both the beds didn't separate us.


I went back to scrolling and got a notification even though my phone was on silent and looked to see it was a message from Taehyung. I clicked on it and regretted instantly.

 I clicked on it and regretted instantly

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Luckily you don't have classes. -_-

I laughed at his face, clutching my stomach. This. Is. A. Masterpiece. That needs to be saved.

I might have laughed out loud because I noticed the girl beside me had stopped crying.

Oh shit.

Does she think I was laughing at her because she was crying?

Damn, what am I supposed to say?

I thought for a few moment and decided that I should get out of this whole awkward situation even though I cannot walk. I got up from the bed and took those snacks so Yoongi doesn't kill me, along with my phone and limped out. On my way out, I quickly glanced at the girl and to my surprise, it was Mi Young, the girl from the morning and...the one Jungkook kissed.

But she must be just another of his toys like always.

I ignored her and went out of the infirmary.

The hallway was pretty much empty but I saw a few girls at the end, coming this way. Shouldn't they be in class? Not like I care but- whatever. I limped all the way around until I saw a bench. I don't know much about this part of the school but at least I got a seat.



I heard a voice calling out for me, waking me up from my sleep. Surprisingly, it was Yoongi and I looked around to see students going here and there.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be resting in the infirmary hm?" He mumbled.

"Uh, I was caught up in an awkward situation. Don't worry, I am fine." I said to which he just rolled his eyes.

"Wait here, I am going to my locker to keep and bring my books. Don't go anywhere until I come back." He said and I nodded as I saw his disappear in the crowd of students.

I wonder where Jina and Somi will be-


A voice shouted at the end of the hallway making me gasp and their sudden loudness. The students cleared the path for the person but some of them scurried away and some of them gathered around.

It was none other than JungkooK.

I gave him a small smile but as and when he neared me, I saw he wasn't happy. He was...damn furious. But why?

"Jungkook? Wha-

"Why would you do that?!" He asked me sternly as a frowned made it's way onto my face. What is he talking about?

"Do what?"

"Why would you lock Mi Young in the infirmary huh?!" He spat harshly as the others eyes widened and so did mine.

"WHAT?! Why would I do that?" I said and he chuckled sarcastically while throwing his hands in the air.

"How the fuck would I know that?!"

"Stop shouting at me!"

"You are the one shouting and blaming things at me! I did not do anything!"

"Tsk liar." He spat harshly as he shoved me against the nearby wall making me wince in pain. My ankle already hurt badly and now my back because of some stupid thing. Since my ankle already hurt, I fell down clutching my ankle, tears forming in my eyes as I looked up at him.

"Pathetic." He spat before moving away from the now dispersing crowd.

"Yeah?! Tell me why you care if she was locked up or not huh?!" I said harshly making him stop in his tacks. I saw his shoulder tensing before he went away without saying anything.

It's stupid.

Stupid to explain anything to anyone because no one would understand.

I don't know why he would do that or why that fucking girl would blame me that I locked her up. Wait, I remember something! Those girls! Surely they must have done it after I left and that girl thought I locked her up. But I won't bother explaining or proving myself right because it's useless. It was becoming hard for me to breathe because of me crying. The pain started become unbearable, in the ankle, my back and now my head too.

"Eunhee!" I heard a familiar voice but before I could even see who it was, I blacked out.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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