The starting

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At a cafe
Friend :Hey (y/n) look. Isnt he the same guy.
(y/n) *takes the magazine*: (shocked but also not shocked): Yes, It is him.
Friend : Omg he is so hot, You must have his number right...
(y/n): (In a low tone)Umm, no he has changed his number. And plus it has been 5 years.
Friend : Yes but just look at him, you can take me to him please... I just want to meet him once.
(y/n) : Hmm, I dont know...
Friend : Please please please... You both used to be so close... Maybe looking at you he might let me in.
(y/n): (little frustrated ) No Jan it has been years and I dont wanna... Just please.
[(y/n)'s friend's name was Jandish, but we used they used to call him Jan*]
Jan :(exited) Please na... Just... He has become such a big star and his brand new song "This old town" it is so good.
[(y/n) not pays attention]
Jan : (continues talking) : And today he is coming to his Home town  it means here to give a interview an- ....
(y/n):(frustrated) Shut-up Jan. He is not that person anymore and i dont wanna talk about what happened.
Jan: (holds her hand ) What is it (y/n)? Is everything okay?
(y/n): (With numb eyes) No nothing is okay...
Jan: Okay so lets order a cup of coffee and till then you can narrate me the whole story.
(y/n): .........
Jan : Is it okay?
(y/n): Yes okay......
Jan *Calls a waiter* : (y/n) you start....

[(y/n) started narrating the story]

(y/n): Mom but I dont wanna do buisness, I want to do something else...
Mom: Yes like what..... Hanging at the bar with your drunk friends ?
(y/n) : No mom, I dont drink.
Mom : (gives a look) ........
(y/n) : Okay I drink, but I dont wanna take up dad's buisness....
Mom: Why not honey.... This is what your dad want, and this is what everyone wants....
(y/n) : I dont care, what the society wants.... I will do what i want do (says like a savage )
Mom : Honey, it looks good on those people who have talents or know what their future is.... But here your future!! Talent nothing blank.
(y/n) : But Mom I dont like doing these stuffs and plus I dont know how to run a buisness.
*Her dads comes from behind*
Dad : Dont worry sweety, you just have to come to my office and eventually you will get to know to do it...
(y/n) : But Mom... Dad....
Mom : No buts and donts.... You dad and I have set a perfect plan for your future.... You just go with us...
Dad : Yes sweety
(y/n): (dissapointed) : Okay dad, Okay mom as you say.
Dad : (kisses her forehead) Dada loves you.
(y/n) : I love you too dad.
Mom : Dear, I think so you should take your medicines...
Dad: At once my darling

That night (y/n) can't sleep, he just kept thinking of how to get away from this buisness life, all he wants just to have fun but these buisness life dosent let you have fun, this was the thinking of (y/n).

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