the twist

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(y/n) : It is almost an hour and rain have also stopped so I will go... I will come back tomorrow, it was fun... Bye..
Oh yeah one sec... Let me take a picture of you... *clicks* thanks that will go.
Niall : But why so...
(y/n) : You will come to know soon.
*after the class* * they both bid each other bye and Mary came to pick her up and Andy appears *
Mary: So how was your first day??
(y/n): ( sits in the car) I will tell you on the way... First lets go to the banner shop...
Mary : But why...
(y/n) : I told you na... I will tell you on my way.
*after few min*
Andy :  So Mr. Nialldo you  still want to go to that scrap ward.
Niall : No way.... Come on help me out to close the shutter.
A small boy : excuse me sir?
Niall : Yes...
Small boy : Are you the best teacher here who teaches Guitar. Because I want to learn.
Small boy' mom : Umm excuse me, actually this is my son. From very long time he wanted to  learn Guitar. Bit we were not able to find anyone here. And finally we found your advertisement and came here.
*Lady gives Niall the advertisement in which his photo was there that (y/n)  had taken*
Niall  : *takes the paper and looks at it*
Andy : Bro she came here like a god for you.
Someone : Excuse me, does someone here teaches Guitar, because I wanted to learn.
Niall : (exited) Yeah yeah... I teach here .... Please you both come inside.
* and eventually many students started to come and his classes became very famous*

*And on the next day Niall waited for many hours... Many new students came to take guitar lessons from Niall. But  (y/n) didnt came and she didnt gave her number by which they can find them*
*after Niall's Guitar classes*
Andy : What happened Niall? Why so sad?
Naill : Broo (y/n), she didnt came today for the class. And i dont have any number of her...
Andy : It is quite strange, while registering her name for the class, didnt you take her number.
Niall : (blushing) I was so exited at that time that i forgot about this.
Andy : As expected.... Bro you had the advertisement right? That lady gave it to you.
Niall : Yes yes, it is in my pocket itself... One sec (removes it) yeah here you go.
Andy : Yeah... Yes... Here the address of--
Niall : (exited ) Address of (y/n)'s home?
Andy : No you idiot, it is the Address of that printing shop. If we go there.. Then we will easily be able to find something about her.

* They both went to that shop, from where
(y/n) printed the advertisement, the owner of the shop said that he knows her family and that their family are a regular customer of their printing shop. He gave them their address and while they were on their way to her home, they saw a big banner of Niall's Guitar class, they both were shocked, and when they finally stops near her home he took a u-turn and went in opposite direction*
Niall : Andy what are you doing? We left her home behind.
Andy : Yes I know... You dont know what are family background it... We should go home.
Niall : But why?
Andy : lets just first go home, it is almost evening... I will tell you everything.
*at Niall's apartment*
Niall : Now will you tell me what it is?
Andy : Yes, (opens his laptop) see you know Mr.X? He is a very big buisness man and his whole family comes from the same background....
Niall : Oh yeah I have heard about him, last week only he came for the inauguration of that big mal, and I have also heard he has a very big share in it.
Andy : You heard right, ans these people have very much money and they only like rich people roaming around themselves... They dont like common people around themselves...
Niall : Okay, that is really rude... But what is the connection between Mr.X and (y/n)?
Andy : Look here...  (y/n) is the daughter of Mr.X

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