some time alone

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*Mary and Andy left the place for them to practice*
Niall : Yeah so today we will start off with basics. Okay so hold the guitar like this.
(y/n)  *holds the worng way* : Like this?
Niall : *gets up* No no not like this.
*Niall gets up to show her the right way, he goes from the behind and holds her hand from the behind to show the right way of holding the guitar. And in they were really close to each other. (y/n) can like smell him. Both of their faces touch each other and Niall was busy in saying how she should hold the Guitar and (y/n) was all into him ans staring at him*
Niall : So this is how you hold the guitar.
(y/n) *gets out of her imaginary world* : Yeah yeah I get it.
*she tries playing a few times bit few but failed because of cource it is the first day, and at the same time her fingers hurt but she didnt complained*
*guys trying to impress their crush take some notes*
(y/n) : Their aren't many students out here.
Niall : Yeah I know, this place is little out of town so not many people come out here.
(y/n) : yeahhh, but this place is kind of great. And and you play so well you should play on stage.
Niall : *takes a guitar and starts playing?* Yeah, thanks... I have tried taking part in the league... But they never got me in because... Ugh maybe I dont have enough reputaion or maybe money.
(y/n) : But what is the connection with money.
Niall : Maybe you dont know, it is all the game of money. The higher you pay more the chances you have to get a ticket to play in it. I am trying to save money from years to take a ticket so that I can get into the league. But times have been hard. Just once I go inside then at there talent matter. Ohhh.. I am so sorry I just said too much. I just felt like taking someone like family.
(y/n) : (places a hand on his hand) No it is totally fine... Sometime you need to share things... What about your family.
Niall : Yes I have they live in different town, I came up here because i wanted to do something different, something on my own.
But looks like I have to go back.
(y/n) : No way you just need some good advertisement and (hugs him) a little love....
Niall :- *frozen*

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