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*A/N This Chapter is just a whole lot of sex*

S C O T T : 0 9

I kissed him hard.

At first he pulled away to blink at me. Hazel eyes wide in shock. But then I pulled him back in to kiss him again, not being able to hold back any longer.

I can't control myself. All this time... all this time I've been chasing my tail, wondering what the hell was going on. I was burning up, dying to touch him. To feel him trembling under my hands, have him moaning in my ear... to have him under me begging for more and more.

He's been driving me insane for weeks. One second he'd be so close to me, so perfectly calm and then the next he'd be pushing me away, keeping me at arms length and ignoring me. On top of all that, it didn't help that loving him felt so wrong and yet so right.

"Scott-" I press him closer to me, much more closer than I already had him.

It's not fair. It's not fair for me to have been trying to keep my emotions at bay, trying to keep everything normal between us while he got to do whatever he wanted. For weeks, all I've dreamt about was having him in my arms, tasting every inch of his body.

"Scott I-" His breath is heavy as I reach down to pull off his shirt, my lips leaving him for half a second before capturing them right back.

For years I've been lying to myself about what I really wanted. What I really wanted to do with Stiles, someone who was supposed to be my best friend. My brother.

"Scott, I think-" I rip my shirt off, an undeniable, scorching want building up inside my stomach to feel his skin on mine.

I thought that if I simply ignored my desires that at least I could still have him in my life. Even if it wouldn't have grown into what I really wanted, at least I could still keep him close. But then he goes and pulls this stunt today.

"Hey-" He stumbles a little when I lead him towards his bed, making him walk backwards.

All this time I was holding back thinking that he couldn't possibly want more. He teases me then pushes me away making me believe that I was on the verge of losing all of him... making me believe that the small moments we had where I was so sure my feelings were requited was just part my very desperate imagination. I thought I messed everything up with my lack of self control.

"Scott, Wait-" He pushes me back a little, lips plump and ruby, face red, and his hair sticking up in odd angles.

He's so fucking beautiful that's just so not fair.

"I don't want to wait one more second Stiles. I've been waiting for years. I've been burning to have you, thinking that you would never want me the way that I wanted you but now- now I know. Stiles I love you, let me make you mine."

His eyes widen, lips part, body trembles, and his scent changes from confusion to straight up lust and want. His eyes go from hesitation to determination and he says-

"Fuck it, we can talk later. I need you right now." The sound of his voice made my dick twitch in anticipation.

His lips were like hot iron branding my lips and boy do I not mind it at all. I push him down onto his bed, and he's quick to kick off his shoes. I do the same before laying down on top of him, my hips directly on top of his.

My tongue is in his mouth, my hips are rubbing up on him, and he's touching me and kissing me with just as much urgency in his actions as mine. I part to take a breath, shaking with just this little bit of friction all just because it's Stiles.

"Mine." The words slip out before I know it as my lips kiss a trail up and down his neck. His body shudders and his jaw clenches.

He takes my head in his hands and looks me dead in the eyes to say, "Then show me what it means to be yours."

Shit, he nearly had my cumming right then and there.

And, as if he could hear exactly what I was thinking, he smirks at me, his hand trailing down my chest and then grabbing my dick. Whatever happened after that would be something I'd have to ask Stiles because when I came back to my senses, we were both completely naked.

Two of my fingers were inside him, making him squirm, and his dick was literally inside of my throat. He was chocking back his moans, hips moving erratically, not knowing if he should thrust up into my mouth or down onto my fingers. His mouth was wide open, eyes shut tight, fingers wrapped in my hair, and his back arching up.

"Scott, I don't want to cum like this." His voice is hoarse, his legs are twitching besides my head.

All at once, I pull away from him, not a single inch of our skin touching, and I look down at him.

"Wow." He is so incredibly beautiful, it literally takes my breath away. His breath is labored when he reaches up to wrap his hands around my shoulders.

"Take me." He says. "I'm ready."

His legs straddle me, trembling so bad he nearly sits on it without proper preparation.

I can't stop the growl from leaving my lips as I guide him down, biting my lip so hard it bleeds.

Shit fuck holy shit he's so tight.

When it's all in, he barely waits a proper second before moving against it, moaning when his prostate is pressed again. Gripping his hips tight enough to probably bruise, I thrust up, hard, and he screams my name.

And we continue that way until his inside squeeze down on me in anticipation, before I can stop myself, I'm an inch away from biting down on him.

"Do it." He begs. "Do it Scott." And I do.

We cum just as he bites down on my shoulder. I nut so hard my eyes roll back and I all but collapse on top of Stiles. I pull out and lay beside him. His eyes flutter as he huddles closer to me and hugs me close to him. He wraps us in his blanket and we fall asleep in eachothers arms.

Perfect. This is perfect.

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