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S T I L E S : 0 7

I'm sitting back in Harrison's classroom, the very last period for the day, dressed the nicest I've ever dressed for school, freshly showered, with my hair a bit of a mess. I've spent all my day today teasing Scott to no end. Giving him lingering touches, leaning in closer than usual, and flirting with him off handedly.

Just the way Scott likes to see me.

Speaking of which, Scott is currently sitting right next to me, openly staring while I pretend he doesn't exist. He diggs the end of his eraser into my hand and begs me with his eyes to speak to him.

I take my bottom lip in between my teeth and chew on it a little, making sure it's subtle enough for it to seem natural, and then I look at him- not hiding an ounce of all the attraction I feel for him.

He freezes, eyes going comically wide in surprise. I smirk at him, "That's cute." I say and his jaw all but drops.

My smirk turns into a smile at how genuinely confused he looks. It's really hot if I'm being quite honest with myself. He clenches his jaw and then shifts to look the other way, pretending that I didn't just obviously hit on him.

This little shit.

I take a quick glance around the room to find no one paying any attention to us and then I look back at Scott, who's too close to look so distant. His hand is still resting on the table near mine and since I'm feeling bold today, I reach out for his hand and lace my fingers through his.

I watch him carefully, soaking up his every reaction. He doesn't move, just sits there with his face all red and his jaw clenched as if he's trying to stop himself from doing something.

Oh, I see how it is now. Well, I guess I'll just have to keep testing your limits to see just how much you can take before you explode Scotty.

So I lean towards him, carefully so that no other part of me is touching him, and whisper into his ear and quite but heated little, "It's a shame we're in school right now, if we weren't here it'd kiss you."

"What!?" His voice is much louder than he was expecting it to be and his head snaps in my direction so fast- I really thought he was going to break it.

He got the whole class' attention, making Mr. Harrison clear his throat in our direction. I ignore him just so that I can keep my eyes fixed on Scott's.

"You heard me." I whispered at him, the smirk on my face growing larger.

I actually censored what I really wanted to say but even with something like a kiss he's already getting all flustered.

Mr. Harrison is clearing his throat again, completely ruining the moment.

"I think you and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance yes?" He says this once I'm looking at him and he glances at the sight of Scott and I holding hands.

"No." I sound as if he just made the most ridiculous comment ever made.

He goes to say something but is interrupted by the bell. I get up, letting go of Scott's hand temporarily just to pack my stuff and that's when Scott takes a hold of my hand again, urging me to follow him.

"If you stay here any longer, Harris will definitely give you a detention." Is the line he feeds me but I know better.

Once we're out of the room, he still doesn't let go of my hand and heads straight for the huge double doors out of this hell hole for a high school.

"I just gotta say, this new found heroism is making me feel very attracted to you." Scott looks at me and scuffs, completely oblivious to how serious I am right now.

"No I'm serious. Wanna try making out a little?" He rolls his eyes and shoves me towards the door, amusement lingering on his lips.

"Just to see how it feels!" And then he's yanking me towards my Jeep, the grip he has on me tightening.


When we get to my place, he keeps hold of my hand and leads me towards my room. I might be crazy but I swear it feels like I can feel the heat coming off of him.

I close the door behind us, watching carefully as his eyes start flashing, teeth sharpening, as I all but press myself into him. Pinning him against the wall and my body.

"Stiles." He groans, eyes conflicted all over again.

My heart picks up its pace and my body begins to tremble a little at the sound of his voice. There's straight up fire everywhere we touch but I'm not going to be the one to make the first official move. It has to come from him. He has to want this... has to want me.

His touch leaves me in utter bliss.

I get so close to him, I know he thinks that I'm about to kiss him, and then I say-

"Lets shoot some zombies." And back away from him as if I've been burned. It causes me physical pain to do it but I know I have to.

His eyes widen as he stares me down. What once was brown is now red as he all but growls in irritation at all the teasing I've been putting him through.

"Seriously Stiles!?" He groans. The expression on his face makes me chuckle a little.

"What?" I'm playing dumb and he knows I am. There's a moment where he's just watching me but then he does something that I didn't expect.

"Fine." Scott has an edge to his voice, one that made electricity to run up and down my spine.

"You wanna play dirty? I can do that too." And then he's taking off his shirt.

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