Chapter 14

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Yes, I know, I took a really bad picture, but I was in a rush.

Please enjoy this chapter!

Sakura's POV

The return to Konoha was fairly quiet. No one attacked, and they arrived safely back at the village.

Sasuke was quiet, as usual, but something was off about him. He looked uncharacteristically angry, as though he was confused and furious at the same time.

For the millionth time, Sakura wondered what Garaa had said to him.

As they neared the gates, he said shortly, "When can I leave?"

Kakashi gave him a sideways glance. "As soon as we write our mission reports, and discuss a few things with Lady Tsunade."

Sasuke let out a frustrated huff of air, clearly annoyed.

"Um...Sasuke, you can write your report at my house," Sakura offered timidly. "It's closer to the Hokage's office."

His gaze turned to her, seeming somewhat softer. "Ok."

They walked to Sakura's house together. When they got to her door, Kakashi cleared his throat. "You two will be okay?"

So she wasn't the only one to notice Sasuke's off behavior. But she gave Kakashi-sensei a nod, chirping "Everything will be fine!"

When the other three left, Sakura and Sasuke walked inside. She noticed Sasuke peering around her home, blushing slightly when his eyes fell on a rumpled article of clothing on the floor. The one time she'd seen the inside his apartment, it had been very neat and clean. Sasuke was obviously a very fastidious person.

Surreptitiously, she snatched the clothes, saying, "The kitchen is this way, there's some paper on the counter."

Darting quickly away, she tossed the clothes into her bedroom, berating herself over her sloppiness and thanking her lucky stars that her parents weren't home to see the mess.

When she came down, Sasuke was clenching the paintbrush in his fist, his brow furrowed as he stared at the still blank sheet in front of him.

"What's the matter?" Sakura inquired.

"Not sure what to write," came the muttered reply. "Never done this before."

Sakura smiled. "It's not too difficult, just talk about what happened over the course of the trip, point out any significant places that might be utilized on later missions, and just touch briefly on the overall success rate of the mission. Here, why don't I write mine, then you can look it over to get an idea."

"Sure," he murmured, not seeming to pay much attention.

Tentatively, Sakura reached over and lay her hand on his shoulder.

His head snapped up, but she kept her hand there as she asked quietly, "What's the matter, Sasuke?"

He shook his head. "Nothing, okay?"

Sakura's brow creased. "Sasuke, what did Garaa tell you?"

He stayed quiet for the longest time. Just when Sakura thought he wasn't going to speak, he finally answered.

"He said...that going down the path of revenge would only end badly. I'm still going to do what I planned, but he just made me a bit uncertain about my choice. It's infuriating. I won't let myself be swayed, but now there are seeds of doubt. Do you know what I mean?"

Sakura thought for a moment. "I think I do..."

He raised his eyebrows, not convinced that she did.

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