Chapter 2

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*My sketch of Kotetsu and Izumo. I love those guys, they're so funny, even though they don't have major roles in the manga. Anyway, enjoy this next chapter!*

Sakura's POV

When Sakura awoke in the morning, the boy was sitting up, staring at her. She started up, clutching her heart in surprise.

"Oh! You're awake!" She gasped.

He simply continued to watch her through eyes she could now see were a smoldering black.

" name is Sakura," she in a rush. "I found you lying here injured and unconscious and since I'm a medic ninja I decided to heal you, and I closed your stomach injury, but you shouldn't move much since you're not fully healed, so I was going to take you back to the village to finish healing you,"

She trailed off, uncomfortable and embarrassed around this stranger who continued to stare at her so intensely. Calm down, Sakura! She chastised herself. Just speak to him normally, and don't turn into a nervous wreck!

"So...who are you?" She asked, while eyeing his wings and in reality wondering, what are you?

However, the boy didn't answer her. He simply eyed her warily, and edged away ever so slightly.

Sakura sighed. "Well, if you won't talk, will you come with me so I can finish fixing you up? You're far from one hundred percent, and in fact, if you're not treated soon, you could die from infection."

"No." The boy surprised her by speaking. His voice was raspy, probably from thirst and weakness. He glowered at her, backing away towards the wall of the small outcropping of rocks. Putting one hand against it, he struggled to his feet.

Sakura's eyes widened. "No, don't stand! You'll reopen your wounds!"

At that same moment, the boy let out a pained groan and slid back down to the ground. He raised his hands as if to ward her off.

"J-just stay away," he moaned, obviously in pain.

"Please, don't worry," Sakura said soothingly. "I don't mean to hurt you. I'm just trying to help you. If I wanted to harm you, I wouldn't have healed your injuries."

The boy just glared. "How do I know you're not trying to keep me alive just so you can torture and interrogate me?"

"I'm not," Sakura exclaimed exasperatedly. She really wanted to get home and finish this whole ordeal. But it was obvious the boy didn't trust her. "Look, I risked my own life to keep you alive. I was already low on chakra, and I could've died trying to heal you. Besides, if you really don't trust me, why didn't you kill me in my sleep?"

The boy was pointedly ignoring her. He just continued to try to struggle to his feet. Suddenly, he let out a sharp cry, holding his stomach, and slowly sinking back to the ground. When he didn't get back up, Sakura approached him. He was breathing lightly, in and out. Unconscious again.

She hoisted him up onto her shoulder. "Guess you're coming with me," she muttered. Leaping up into a tree, she set as fast a pace as she could manage without losing her hold on him.

How was she going to bring him into the village though? She couldn't very well drag a winged boy through Konoha's streets. That would surely attract a lot of unwanted attention. She needed to get him to the hospital unnoticed, then contact the Hokage, Lady Tsunade, to discuss what to do with him. The last thing she wanted was for people to crowd the hospital, trying to get a better look at the newest patient.

She was still struggling to find a solution to her problem when she reached the village gates an hour later. Taking a deep breath, she walked through the gates, taking care to make sure no one was about other than the two usual gatekeepers, Kotetsu and Izumo.

"Hey Sakura, welcome ba--" Kotetsu began, only to break off and stare wide-eyed at the boy leaning on her shoulder. "Who is that? Or should I say what is that?"

"I need your help you guys," Sakura whispered anxiously. "I found him in the woods badly hurt. I need to transport him to the hospital, but I don't want people to see him."

"I can see why," Izumo muttered. Kotetsu nudged him to shut up.

"Okay, we'll help you, but what exactly is he?"

"I'm not sure," Sakura snapped irritably, "so hurry up and help me out!"

"Jeez, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning," Kotetsu grumbled.

"What did you say?" Sakura asked, raising her fist threateningly.

"Nothing, nothing," he muttered. "Anyway, why don't you just use a transformation jutsu on him to make him look like a civilian or some injured ninja? No one would question that."

Sakura smacked her forehead. "Of course! How did I not think of that? I must be really exhausted."

She readjusted her grip on the boy and performed a quick hand sign.


He was now a brown haired ninja wearing a green jounin vest and dark blue trousers.

"Perfect," she grinned. "No one will suspect a thing!"

She began to run towards the hospital. "Thanks guys! You're the best!"

"Wait!" Izumo cried. "Aren't you going to explain to us--"

"Just forget it, Izumo," Kotetsu sighed. "She's not coming back."

The pair watched her until she was out if sight. Then Izumo turned towards his friend. "...what just happened?"

"Beats me," Kotetsu muttered. "Man we never know about anything, huh."

Izumo sighed in agreement. "...yeah. Oh well."

*Ok, so end of chapter 2! Poor Izumo and Kotetsu, they have no idea what just happened! Hope you enjoy, please review!*

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