Chapter 24

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((Alright, so before we get into this next chapter I want to thank you all for everything. This year has been the worst of my life and before I started writing this I felt that I had nothing to live for, I wish I could tell you all why, but I'll spare you the sob-fest. I've watched the number of reads and votes go up and it never fails to put a smile on my face. So, thank you for making my life a little more tolerable. And HOLY SHIT, 200k reads! You have got to be shitting me!!))

"Anarchy doesn't mean out of control; it means out of their control." ~Jim Dodge

The next few months of your time adjusting to working at the BAU was fairly routine, but outside of work your life was hectic: house hunting, catching up on lost years with your family, and spending time with Spencer took up the rest of your time. The girls insisted on going with you when you finally found the right place, and soon the entire team had invited themselves; not that you minded, you enjoyed the company, "Are you sure about this place, bella?"

Dave asked you for the umpteenth time, you chuckled when he followed with, "It's just awfully big."

"This coming from you?"

"My point exactly." He said, smiling at you, "I live alone in a huge house. I know how lonely it can get."

You weren't worried about being lonely at all, this house coincidentally was only four blocks away from Spencer's apartment, but you wouldn't tell anyone about that just yet, "Uncle Dave, it really isn't all that big. Three of the five bedrooms will be for my books, and one of the book rooms will double as a guest bedroom along with the fourth bedroom. So, that's two guest bedrooms, three book rooms, and the rest of the space is pretty self explanatory."

He huffed in defeat, "Just know, the right wing of my house is still open for you."

You chuckled at him and shook your head at him, "Yeah, Uncle Dave."

"I gotta say, lil mama, you've got taste." Derek said, looping an arm around your shoulders, "This place is nice."

"Are you saying that because I'm buying it from you?"

"Maybe." He said, smiling at you and laughing some, "I just know quality craftsmanship when I see it."

"Especially when that craftsmanship is yours?"

"Well, yeah."

Everyone laughed at you two and Spencer made his way over, "So, when will the moving truck be here?"

He asked, you grabbed your phone out of your purse to check the time, "Um... in about two hours."

"That's perfect." Dave said, nodding to himself, "That gives enough time for all of us to go out to lunch."

"Your treat right?" You quipped, smirking at him.

"You drive a hard bargain kid." He said, chuckling.


You guys were lucky enough to have unloaded the final box off the truck when Hotch got a call, and you sighed, "So much for having the weekend off."

"Sorry guys." He said, "I know we were all looking forward to a grueling weekend of helping (L/N) move into her house."

You all laughed and headed to the office, you rode with Rossi and Spencer, "So, mia bella, what do you want for your housewarming gift?"

"Um, nothing?" You laughed, shaking your head, "I have everything I need."

"I'm not asking if you need anything," He chuckled, making a turn, "I'm asking if you want anything. There's nothing wrong with wanting something."

You hummed and tilted your head back in thought, "Well, I was actually going to use my next paycheck to get a painting of my dad."

"Done." Rossi said, smiling, "And you don't have to worry about spending your next paycheck on it."

"Uncle Dave--"

"No arguments, a painting of your dad sounds nice." His smile merely grew, "I might get one, too."

You rolled your eyes and chuckled, you knew there was no point in even trying to argue with him. You looked back at Spencer, who had been silently listening to you guys talk with a smile on his face; your relationship with Dave reminded him of his relationship Gideon. He missed the older man, but it brought Spencer comfort that he was happier now that he wasn't apart of the BAU. He knew that if he ever met you, he would love you, which also brought him happiness; Spencer smiled at you when you made eye contact with each other. Rossi watched the exchange in the rearview mirror with a small smile on his lips, he knew that something was going on between the two of you. You were his niece, he had also stepped up as your father figure when your dad passed away, so he was hyperaware of how you acted around people. The two of you had an overwhelming amount of electricity in your atmospheres--it was honesty hilarious that you were trying to hide your romance from a team of profilers


"For the last two weeks, Seattle, Washington has had twelve bodies found all over the city. All the victims were identified as lower level officials of the local government, but the most recent victim found was the body of an eight year old boy--the son of Seattle's mayor." Garcia told everyone, "The FBI field office in Seattle has asked us to step in, after they had to go over the King County sheriff's head."

You frowned sadly as you listened to her, flipping through the file in your lap as she spoke. It was sad, all these lives lost and to top it all off, you weren't invited by the local PD. So, it was definitely going to be a hostile work environment. The last time you were in Seattle, it was to bust a a cell of an international sex trafficking ring, and the police weren't exactly happy to have you around then, either.  You looked up from your copy of the file when Hotch spoke, "We'd better head there immediately, so wheels up in thirty."

You rose to your feet to walk to your desk, Hotch stopped you, "(L/N), if you want to stay here and consult from home while you unpack that would be fine."

You shook your head at him, "No, Hotch, it's cool. The boxes will be waiting for me when we get back."

He smiled and nodded at you before he left for his office to retrieve his things, you looked around at everyone else before walking to your desk. You packed your briefcase then pulled out your go-bag, "Twelve bodies, and one of them is a child, it's so sad."

JJ said to you when you two walked out of the BAU, you nodded, "It really is, I can't imagine what the family is feeling."

"This almost feels political." Morgan said as he, Prentiss, and Reid fell into step beside you.

"But why?" You mused, chewing on your thumb nail, "And what did a child have to do with it?"

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