Chapter 2

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*Ricky POV*

Everything was going so well.

Opening night finally came, and it was...eventful. My mom's boyfriend, Todd, showed up right in the middle of 'Get'cha Head in the Game' which completely threw me off. I was so mad at my mom for bringing him and I couldn't face act two knowing that he was in the audience with his arm around her right next to my dad. I also needed to get off stage because I was messing up and there was a scout in the audience from the performing arts school that was Nini's dream. I had to let her perform with a real leading man, one that would help her be the best she could be on stage.

But when 'Breaking Free' came around, EJ walked off stage and Nini convinced me to get back on stage and return to my role. Honestly, by that point, I didn't care about the show. I went up there with Nini because I became lost in her. I became lost in the moment and singing with her was the happiest I had been in I don't even know how long.

But the best part of the night didn't happen until after the show had ended. I found Nini packing her stuff up. I could tell she was really disappointed about not getting into the school even though she told me she was ok. But I was happy because it meant that she would still be in Salt Lake, and at East High. But now the show was over, and I didn't know what I was gonna do with myself. I didn't know what was gonna happen with me and Nini. She reminded me of all the video games I needed to catch up on with Big Red, but I wasn't feeling it. The whole musical experience had been amazing for me and I knew I wanted the feeling to continue.

But I wanted what me and Nini had to continue even more and I had to tell her. Even if she didn't feel the same. I know we almost kissed a couple of times, but both those times followed stressful days, so it could've been anything. I wouldn't have blamed her for not feeling the same considering what we went through. But I had to tell her. I couldn't hold it in any longer.

So, when she went to walk out of the room it all just came out. Everything I had wanted to say to her since we broke up came flowing out and it felt good. But what felt even better was hen she stopped me, and we kissed.

Finally, after months of hurt and heart break, we were back together. We were Ricky and Nini again.

But now, a week later, after the most amazing date in this really fancy restaurant, I'm sitting in the back of and ambulance, with Nini on the stretcher, unconscious.

I didn't see it coming, whatever it was. One moment the road was clear, and we were smiling, and the next, the car was spinning out of control. I can't help but feel it was all my fault. I wasn't paying enough attention to driving and I obviously didn't see whatever it was that I hit. And now Nini is really hurt and its all my fault. It's all my fault.

I keep Nini's hand in mine as we rush to the hospital. I can't help but let tears run down my face as I look at her on the stretcher.

'I'm so sorry, Nini,' I whisper to her, even though she probably can't hear me, 'Please be ok.'

It takes everything I have in me to not completely break down as we arrive at the hospital and I see the paramedics help the doctor wheel her inside. Nini's moms go in with her and I am taken for a check up as my injuries are not as bad as hers.

After my check-up I am greeted by my dad who is super worried about me. Understandably. I tell him what happened and that it was all my fault, but he tries to comfort me.

'Everything is going to be ok.' He says to me as I wipe away my tears. But I still can't shake the fact that Nini is where she is now because of me.

After a while, Carol finds me and my dad sitting in the waiting room.

'Hey, guys. You can come in and see her if you want.' She says and he leads the way to Nini.

When we get to her bed, she is sleeping peacefully. I sit down next to the bed and Dana tells us what the doctors said.

'She hit her head pretty bad, but she got away with a concussion. She has a badly sprained right wrist but other than that, it's just bumps and bruises.' She gave a small smile towards me as another tear ran down my cheek.

'Ricky don't worry. No one blames you for this.' Carol and Dana both reassure me when they see my tear.

'I do' I whisper as I take Nini's hand into mine.

After a while, my dad tells me that we should probably go home and gets some rest.

'No,' I say quickly, 'I'm not leaving her side.' How could I. After all I'm the one who put her in the bed. Nini's moms tell my dad its ok and they'll make sure I'm ok. My dad nods and heads home.

I sit with Nini for hours, just holding her hand. Eventually, I feel my eyelids begin to get heavy. I kiss Nini's hand, hold onto the dog tag she gave me after we kissed and tell her I'm sorry for the thousandth time (it's still not and never will be enough) before I drift off to sleep.




Here is chapter two. I'm not sure about this one but i hope you like it.

Let me know what you think. The next parts will be on their way soon.


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