Chapter 25 - Biana

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Kay, so I was tagged but I have no idea what Im suppose to do. Anyone who knows is welcome to say :D

I just hit 600 views guys, you have no idea how much I am freaking out. Thank you guys so much!!!!

Also, this is a Bianex scene JSYK

I sighed again as Dex fiddled with the strange tech thing Tinker or whatever her name was gave him. All I knew was it was some sort of... tech thing? Okay sure, I was friends with a techno path but that didn't mean I was one! I had no idea how the thing even worked. 

"Ahah! I think I got it!" Dex suddenly blurted, making me jump. "Sorry." He said sheepishly, but still with a wide grin on his face. 

I smiled too, "Great, so now its the fun part, isn't it? Searching for hours upon hours for even a small hint." I asked as he pulled up sever

"Actually, I think I know a way to narrow it down. Almost like a search bar."

"Search bar?"

"It a, er, human thing." He shrugged blushing. I smiled and looked over his shoulder at the tech thing. I didn't even know what to call it. Just the tech thing.

"Okay, so what do we search for?" I asked, resting my chin on his shoulder as I watched him work.

He stuttered for a moment, his face going bright red. "I- uh, well." He cleared his throat. "Uh, I guess we could try searching for each power. If its mentioned in an article or something we could get a lot. Like how much they can actually do. What the extent of each power is, you know..." He trailed off nervously. I don't know why him being nervous gave me the jitters. 

"Okay, what was the first one? Crushers? Something like that..." I watched him enter the word in. It came up with at least thirty articles. He groaned, and turned his face towards me. That resulted in his face and my face being incredibly close to each other. 

"This will be a long night." He said, abruptly stopping when he realized how close we were. He visibly gulped, his cheeks growing more red.

I bit my lip, and leaned forward just a little bit-

"Do you want some Mallow-" Dex's mom walked in and abruptly stopped talking. Me and Dex sprang away from each other, my cheeks felt like they were on fire. Dex's cheeks looked similar. "Oh, uh, sorry. Didn't realize I would be interrupting something." She said, her own cheeks a little pink. "Well, uh, here you go. I will leave you two alone again, so you can get back to... whatever you were doing." With that she set a plate of mallow melt infront of us and speedily walked out of the room. I stared at it wide eyed.

I was not going to deny it, yeah I almost kissed Dex. After years of trying to find someone who might actually care for me, I kind felt like maybe I had found him. At first it was Keefe, but I realized that he was more of a brother. And besides, he liked Sophie. I know Fitz does too, but honestly, I didn't know how I felt about the whole Sofitz thing. For a little while it was Dex until I realized he liked her too. I don't think those feelings had ever completely disappeared though. Yeah, there was a time that I was kind of interested in Tam but over all...

Yeah. I liked Dex. I realized it when Tam went off with the Neverseen. Dex was always just there for me. He was calm and sweet, and honestly a big cinnamon roll. (A/N Don't argue with that...)I just don't think he liked me. 

But that moment right there... Ugh. 

"I should actually go.. I guess I'll be back tomorrow..." I trailed off standing up. I made my way toward the door.

"Oh, uh, right." We were silent for a moment as I stood with my hand on the door. I looked down and opened the door.

"Well, uh, bye." Before I was completely out of the room Dex called out from behind me.

"Biana wait." I turned and stepped back into the room, perhaps a little hopeful. 


I hadn't realized Dex had stood up and had quickly walked over. Once again, we were merely inches apart. Suddenly I was breathless. He gulped, and opened his mouth a few times.

Finally he muttered something to himself that sounded an awful lot like 'screw it'

Then he...

He kissed me.

Not just on the cheek, or forehead. He actually kissed me.

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