Chapter 4

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Thank you for continuing! I hope you enjoy this story!

I wake up in bed in the hotel room, my breathing is rapid and shallow. Cade is still sleeping soundly and Zane sitting on the floor beside me staring at me with wide eyes.

Zane, do you know what just happened? I thought to myself hoping Zane is listening.

Your mind seemed to be gone from your body like you were here, but your mind was elsewhere. Somewhere I couldn't reach you. What happened Chara? Zane wonders.

It all felt so real. I woke up in the hotel room except you and Cade were gone. There was scratching at the door and when I stepped outside, I was in Times Square. Then this voice came to my head, at first, I thought it was you, but it wasn't. It said I had to find the door and then it was gone. I began walking around going into every door or looking into every shop I come by until I look down an alleyway to see a bright yellow door with this symbol on it.

What symbol? Think about it, better not to draw it where someone can find it, Zane tells me.

It was a circle with a crescent moon inside and a diamond inside that, I explain as I try to think of the symbol.

Huh, Zane thinks.


Nothing, continue. What happened next?

I went inside, the door closed behind me and the lights turn off. When I reach for the door that I entered through, it was no longer there. At the end of the hallway I open the door and one by one the candles light inside the room and there is an old lady inside a circle of candles. She begins chanting something and there is a wind that comes into the room and blows out the candles. The lady said that if I wanted to survive, I had to find the door.

Zane takes a minute to respond, We have to find that door now. We have to get there as fast as we can before the demons find us again or someone worse. Wake Cade up, we have to go.

I go over to Cade's bed and shake his shoulder a bit, "Cade, wake up, we have to get back on the road."

"Wha...what time is it." Cade says with a groggy voice.

"Come on, get up, get dressed, move it."

"Chara let me sleep, it's no rush to get there, just a few hours difference."

We have to take his truck and go, Zane says.

"No Zane, Cade get up now," I am not ready to be by myself yet.

"Listen Chara," Cade yawns, "if I am going to get us to New York by tomorrow evening, I need to sleep now."

Tomorrow evening is too late Chara, we have to get there by tomorrow morning, we have to get there before anyone finds us, Zane explains.

I hear Cade snoring in the bed now and I sigh, Fine, let's go.

I grab Cade's keys carefully off the nightstand trying to be as quiet as possible and grab my bag. Zane and I go out to the car, Zane hoping into the front passenger seat.

Zane, there is one problem with this plan, I have no clue how to get to New York from here, I admit.

Open the map and I will navigate, Zane tells me.

Okay, here you go, I hand him the opened map and I then start up the car and start driving.

Zane says the drive is pretty straight forward and not too hard. It got too quiet in the car and I turned on the radio. The news came on and I started to flip through the stations before I give up on finding something good and stay on the news station. A voice came on the radio, it was the same voice from when I was in Times Square or wherever I was.

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