Buenos Aires

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Violetta's P.O.V A/N Violetta knows about Angie being her aunt in this story and she knows about her grandma to and there is no Jade and Matias or Esmeralda in this story and Herman is not an overprotective dad and Ludmila ends nice in the second chapter and she dated Diego but he broke her heart
Today I'm going back to Buenos Aires I have not been there since I was five years old when my twin brother Federico lost are mom. We moved around a lot because of are dad's work we lived in Madrid for 7 years we have been home schooled are whole life right now I'm reading about a studio in Buenos Aires where people study music and dance. My mom was a singer. I am gonna ask my dad if me and my twin brother can take tests to enter the studio called studio 21. I asked him and he said yes we filled out forms online me and my twin brother the exams are two days after we get back to Buenos Aires. today is our birthday Olga is probably making an extreme Dinner to welcome us back. 2 hours later we just landed and Ramallo my dad's work partner is waiting for us by the car. We Just pulled in the driveway. My aunt Angie is waiting for us by the door she pulls Federico and I into a hug and then grandma comes out and pulls Federico and I into a hug then Olga hugs us then they hug my dad. Then Federico and I tell Angie that we signed up for the studio. 2 days later at the studio my brother and I are in line to test I'm so nervous then I spot three kids looking over at us then they come over and introduce themselves their names are Francesca,Camila and Maxi I introduce them to my brother then I see three other kids looking over I ask my new friends who they are. They say that's the popular group they tell me the girl with the blonde hair is the meanest person here they tell me her name is Ludmila that the boy next is her boyfriend Leon and then there is Leon's best friend Andres who's actually really nice they said and Ludmila's only friend Nati who is actually nice to I see that Leon is still looking over at us then Francesca said I think he likes you the others agree. 1 day later the announcements are up of who made it in both my brother and I made it in then I see ludmila looking at my brother then my friends hug us and congratulate us for getting in and then tell me that ludmila and Leon broke up. So that's why ludmila was rude to me earlier. The girls said here comes Leon they leave so does Maxi and my brother. Leon introduces himself I introduce myself and then he asks me on a date I said yes. Then he leaves I tell the girls and Maxi and my brother what happened that Leon asked me on a date then the girls and I walk to dance class I see that Leon is in this class to and I smiled to myself then the teacher Gregorio comes in then Francesca whispers to my brother and I that Gregorio is all about perfection. He chooses pairs I got paired up with Leon I was so happy about that. I thanked Gregorio for who my partner is and then class begun we begun dancing for Gregorio's assignment then class ended.3 hours later I'm heading home with the girls so they can help me get ready for my date with Leon I told my dad about it he was fine with it he knows Leon and his parents so does Ramallo so my dad trusts him I go up to my room with the girls we look through my dresses I notice one on my bed I say what about this one my dad comes in and said that's one of my mom's dresses I put it on the dress is pink I put some white heels on Cami does my makeup pink blush black eyeliner and mascara on pink eyeshadow foundation pink lipstick Francesca is curling my hair. Francesca just got done with my hair I put my mom's diamond earrings in I put on the necklace that Angie gave me for my birthday and I put the bracelet on that my dad gave me for my birthday then I spray my favorite perfume. Then I look in the mirror then head down stairs 7:50 pm ten minutes till Leon picks me up then the girls come down we talk for a few minutes then we hear a knock at the door Leon's here. I open the door and thank the girls for helping me get ready for the date he tells me I look beautiful I tell him he looks handsome. Leon and I leave we pull out of the driveway 30 minutes later we pull in to a fancy restaurant after we eat we go dancing then Leon takes me home I kiss him and tell him I love him he kisses me back and says he loves me too. I video chat the girls and tell all about the date and that Leon asked me to be his girlfriend then I hang up get in my PJs brush my teeth and write in my diary a very very very very very very very long entry then go to sleep.
Leon's P.O.V
I see the most beautiful girl walk in to the studio get in line for the exams to get in then Francesca, Cami and Maxi go over to talk to her after they were looking over there. They look over at me and the others who are also looking over there 1 day later she is back to see if she got in she looks at the paper then smiles I just broke up with Ludmilla because I like that girl who just got in. Her Francesca, Cami and Maxi are already friends they tell her congrats then tell her I broke up with Ludmila she looks over at Ludmila who glares then I head to dance class then I see her come in with her friends she is in this class to then Gregorio comes in Francesca warns her that Gregorio is all about perfection which is true then he announces the new girls name to be my partner her name is Violetta what a beautiful name after class ends I ask her on a date she says I tell her I will see her at 8 I go home and get ready and at 7:55 I arrive at her house to pick her up she opened up the door I tell her she looks she says I look handsome when were eating I asked her to be my girlfriend she said she then I drove her home we pulled into the driveway I walk her up to the door she kisses me and tells me she loves me I do the same then I tell her goodnight when I get home I go to bed.

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