Dinner at the Castillo's

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Leon's P.O.V
I am going over to Violetta's for dinner tonight her dad knows that we're dating now he knows my parents and he knows about the studio. I got her roses and chocolates. I am getting ready to Violetta's a few hours left I also got Violetta a necklace too I have to leave now
10 minutes later I arrive Violetta opens the door I give the flowers and chocolates and I give her the necklace then give her a kiss then I say thank you for having me to her dad then we go we sing together. Then Herman calls us to dinner. Shortly after that I go home.
Violetta's P.O.V
The next day I wake up get ready for school the girls plus Nati who I am also and Ludmila who became nice to me plus Maxi were like spill because the knew that Leon came to my house for dinner last night so I tell he brought me roses and a box of chocolates and he bought me a necklace I show them the necklace they were like wow. So I said let's go to class first is dance so I go stand by Leon since we are partners Gregorio comes in and asks us to him our choreography and we do he said it's perfect we passed. I go to Betos class next and show him the work I did for his assignment he said I passed. Then I go to Angie's class show the I did for her class I passed the first assignment in her class to. Then I go to Pablo's class and show him the work I did for his class he said I passed the assignment. The end of the day. Then I go to the park with everyone and tell them I passed all my first assignments. I asked the girls if they want to sleep over tonight they all said okay. Come over at 5 they all said okay. 3 hours later I hear a knock at the door their here I run to the door I asked what they wanna do they say our nails I say okay. We are done with our nails we watch a movie. Then eat dinner we have pizza. Then we stay up a little bit longer just talking about stuff. The next morning I get ready and go set the table for breakfast and then the girls come down and sit at the table and eat breakfast then we leave for the studio. We get to studio Federico is waiting for Ludmila, Broduey is waiting for Cami, Diego is waiting for Fran, Maxi is waiting for Nati and Leon is waiting for me we all go to our lockers then we walk to class together. When we get to class Gregorio tells us are assignment and then we do it. 2 Hours later it is lunch time we all go to the park. Then go home I eat dinner and go to bed. I got studio the studio next morning with a huge smile on my face the girls saw me and asked whats up I said well Leon sent me me flowers and then asked me to his girlfriend offically last night so that's whats up but whats up with you Fran I ask while she says nervously Marco is back and he does not Diego and I are dating wait what when did Marco come back no seriously Fran tell me your joking she points over to Andres talking to a boy that is Marco he is back when did he get back umm last night.

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