FIVE My head pounds in chronic pain
There is no way out
I bang on the door trying to escape
Will it ever come to an end
FOUR The blank page taunts me
There is one thing keeping me here
Tonight I wish I was someplace else
But one thing is keeping me from leaving
THREE I try to think but nothing comes to mind
My words have been removed
My best thoughts ripped out
There is only white on the page
TWO I think and dream
The thoughts continues for hours
But the words never leave my mind
It begs me to write something
ONE Will I ever let it out
The idea of being stuck spreads like a cancer on a mission
The pen presses down on the blank sheet
ZERO The time has expired
My page is blank
What have I accomplished
Story of stories
Short StoryThis is random short stories/poems that I write. I just want to get better at writing so I have the guts to publish a book one day so this is my way of starting.