Chapter 11

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The next day
"Tony?" I say when I see him sitting in the living room. "Yeah babe?" He says. "Can I talk to you?" I look down. "Of course!" He gets up and we walk up to his room. "So there is something I need to tell you." I tell him. "Anything!" He lifts my chin up. "You know when I left the pool the other day?" I looked at him. "Yeah? What about it?" He says sounding a little worried. "Well I saw Addison in her room crying. I walked upstairs and I saw her balled up in her room. She wouldn't tell me what was wrong at first but then she finally told me. She said that she still has feelings for you" I look a little worried about what he is going to say next. I love this boy and I really hope this doesn't ruin our relationship. He had almost no reaction. He just got up and sat on the bed. He really just stared off in the distance. I got a little worried because he wasn't saying anything. "Baby?" I squat down in front of him. He starts tearing up. "Tony what's wrong?" I start tearing up myself. "I can't believe it." He says, still staring at nothing. "Can't believe what?" I say looking into his eyes. A tear drops from his eye and he looks down at me. "A year ago, Addison and I were together. We had been steady for a couple months but then we got in an arguement and she ended things. I was ruined. I loved her. She was my everything. I just can't believe she still likes me." He continues crying. "But baby do you still love her?" He looks into my eyes and pauses. "I don't know" I get up and run out of the room and start crying. I run into my room and slam the door. I collapse on the bed. He really just said he might still love her. I can't believe this. He is my everything, my baby, my soulmate. I have been with this man for 5 months now and have loved every minute with him. Kouvr runs into my room. "BABES WHATS WRONG?" She practically screams at me. "He still loves her." I say, crying in between each word. She looks at me enraged.

Kouvr's POV
After she said those 4 words, I was so mad. At Tony, at Addi, at everyone. I walk out the room and slam the door on my way out. I get to Tony's room. "What is wrong with you?!" I yell at him. "What?!" He looks back at me. "Don't 'what?' me! You broke Anna's heart! I can't believe you!" He looks down. "Why would you date someone if you still loved someone else. If Addi really means that much to you, then date her but you can both plan on loosing her. She will never forgive you! She has given you everything these past 5 months and this is how your repaying her? By telling her that you love her best friend. You are messed up!" I turn around and walk out. "Kouvr! Let me explain!" He yells as I walk out but I ignore him. I really can't believe him! Anna does not deserve to be treated like this and he certainly doesn't deserve a girl like her. I get it if he still has feelings but if he still had feelings while dating someone else? That's the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

Anna's POV
The next day
I still can't believe what Tony said. I couldn't even talk to Addi. It was to painful. I started cooking and someone came behind me. "Anna?" I don't look back. "Yes Tony?" I say. "Can we talk?" He asks me and I just stay quiet for a second. "When Im done cooking" I say calmly. "Ok" he says. I can tell he smiled because of the way he said it.

I finished eating and I went to go get Tony. I saw him in the living room. "I'm ready Tony" I said and just went straight upstairs. He follows me and we sit on his bed.

Were you shocked by his reaction? 🥺 I love you guys! Also comment people you want to see story's about in the future! ❤️

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