Chapter 19

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Kaylee's POV

It's been 2 weeks since I've been home. I've been staying at Lacy and Amelia's house away from everybody. I stare straight ahead of me as i hear the roof door open and someone approach me. "You're gonna have to talk to him at some point." I look away from the field towards my little brother.

"I don't wanna see him Dyl." I look back at the field. "He knows where I'm at. He knows I'm safe so no i don't have to do anything."

Dylan sighs before sitting next to me on the roof. "Ever since I was a little kid, you two have been inseparable. You guys were the best of friends and now all of a sudden you guys are fighting because of a guy. K, he's beating himself up. He misses you and everyone can tell that it's starting to take a toll on him." I sigh. He's right.

"Dyl-" I'm cut off by the sound of gunshots. I quickly stand up and look over the edge of the roof. Students were running out of the emergency exits which could only mean one thing.

Me and Dylan turn towards each other before running towards the roof door. He opens the door and we run down the fight of stairs leading towards the ground floor. We burst through the door. Bodies were littered across the floor.

I gasp and cover my mouth. "Kaylee you need to run. I need to go join the fight." Dylan says before running off to wherever. I didn't even have a chance to object.

I look around me. My locker. I run in the direction of my locker to grab my gun. I grab my gun and close my locker.

"Well well well. What do we have here?" I tense up. "What are you doing here all alone?" I slowly turn around to face who it was. Jaden.

"Came here to get you're ass kicked again?" I ask smirking. His glare hardens.

"No but now I do want a rematch. And this time you're gonna die." He says before charging at me. I give a small gasp as he tackles me.

I push him off of me before standing him. He smirks as he gets up. "You know you can't beat me. So you should just let me kill you."

"Not gonna happen Everhart." I say going roundhouse kicking him. He catches my leg bringing me closer to him. He points a gun towards to head.

"Killing you would be so easy right now. I could do it." He says. I smirk before pointing my gun towards his chest. His smirk drops.

"Likewise." I say before hw throws my leg away. I spin before swiping his legs out from underneath him. He hits the ground with a thud.

"Not a smart move" he says before raising his gun pulling the trigger.

"Kaylee nooooo." A male voice yells. His eyes flicker behind me for a second before his smirk grows again. I turn my head to see my brothers standing there. The twins were holding Bryson back from attacking.

Jaden gets up and runs as I drop to my knees holding my stomach. Bryson's body drops next to me as he pulls me into his lap.

"Kaylee stay with us. Please stay with us. I can't lose you." Bryson's eyes fill up with tears. Out of the corner of my eyes Dylan started pulling his shirt off to put on my gunshot wound.

"I told you to run Kaylee. I told you to run. WHY DIDN'T YOU RUN!!!" Dylan's eyes fill with tears next.

"Guys imma be fine. I promise you." I say before black dots start to fill my vision. "West call da-" I try saying but was interrupted by the need to cough.

"Omg Kaylee." I look down at my shirt to see blood on my chest. "Guys someone call dad" Bryson yells pulling me closer to his chest. "Kaylee keep your eyes open. Please just keep them open."

"I'm tired Bry-Bry." I say closing my eyes. The need for sleep takes over my body and next thing i know I'm unconscious.

Bryson's POV

I look at my twin sister as she laid in the hospital bed. I reach over and grab her hand in mine. I haven't seen her for 2 weeks. 2 long designating weeks without my best friend only for her to end up getting shot because I made a mistake.

"Please wake up Kaylee. Please." I beg not knowing if she can hear me or not.

"How long did the doctor say she was gonna be out?" I look up from my twin to Brandon.

"He wasn't sure. But if it wasn't for your brother being a traitor than she wouldn't be in this mess now, would she?" I spit out.

"You act as if I knew that my own brother was going behind my back and being a traitor with the North gang." He bites back. "You act as if I know whenever a gang is going to attack Bryson. But remember you are on my territory right now."

I glare remembering where I am. The Eastside Territory has the only hospital close enough that they could save my sister. "I'm not here for a fight Brandon. I'm just here for my sister." I state before looking back down at her. My own best friend is in a hospital bed because I pissed off the wrong gang leader.

"What even happened for you to piss off Ethan?" Brandon asks. I sigh for what feels like the hundredth time today ans rub my face.

"Its a long story." I say. Brandon looks at Kaylee before looking back at me.

"We have time." He states. I roll my eyes before thinking back to what happened a week ago.

"It started a week after Kaylee left your house..."

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