Prologue: Adoption/Love At First Sight

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On a warm sunny spring morning in California, the Electric Mayhem's main trumpet player, Lips, was reading one of his favorite books on a hammock in the backyard. He laid in the hammock, swinging back and forth, reading Goodbye Stranger, as he felt the warm spring breeze blow through his fluffy golden yellow hair. Lips paused from his reading and looked up into the clouds. He smiled and sighed happily; Lips suddenly placed a bookmark into his book and placed it down on the little round table beside the hammock. He then just laid there, starring at the clouds as they flew by. 
Lips knew that his former band mates and couple of the Electric Mayhem, Floyd and Janice, were bringing home a newest member of the house hold. Not a new band member, but a little addition to their lives since they tied the knot many months back. They thought a kid would make their lives more interesting. However, Floyd and Janice weren't exactly ready for child birth either, so they figured adoption is the right way to go. And so far it's been going very well between the two and the little one they're bringing home. 
Lips and the rest of the band had seen pictures of this girl: blue (literally), looked really small, and she looked like she had some sort of Japanese culture to her. They didn't see much pictures of the girl however, but they knew about her history: the little girl was born into a very strict and traditional family and was also born alongside her twin brother. Obviously the family didn't expect to have twins, they only expected a son. They treated the boy with love and everything a parent could give to their child, but they treated the girl poorly; they only kept the girl because of "possible futures to the family" and the girl and her brother were close and the brother was basically her protector from his own family. Around the time when they were teenagers, the family moved from Japan, to New York, and then to California, where things got worse with the girl. Unfortunately, Floyd and Janice didn't get any detail from the girl of what sorts of things got "worse". The girl's brother was drafted in the U.S Army at 16, where years later, he died from a terrible illness that wiped out not only him, but almost his entire army base. Devastated, the girl became powerless and depressed, which meant more torment, abuse, and even more sadistic and unexplained events happened to the poor girl. Her family just hated her and her appearance; the girl didn't know how she was still alive. 
Just recently her parents tried consistently to wed her off with a way older man, who was actually not a "billionaire" as her parents were hoping for because of their love for money than their own children, but he was a crook and an escaped criminal rapist in disguise. The girl didn't know that, but she had some weird vibes coming off of him and she didn't like that. She didn't even love the man. The girl desperately and repeatedly refused his hand in marriage and after many more physical, mental, and emotional abuse coming from her so-called fiance and her own mother and father, the girl had enough. She packed whatever she had and ran away from home through an open window. The police discovered her, took her to a foster home, and more abuse came from there as she lived there for many years to come; until today that is.

That was all Lips gathered. To him, her past made him sick to his stomach. Considering what he went through similarly when he was a child growing up, he felt a deep connection towards her even though they never met. 
With all that aside, he knew that today Floyd and Janice were going to bring her to her new home. He was very excited to meet her, but also very nervous. After all, he's only seen just some pictures of her, but not for what she really looked like in real life. He honestly didn't want to become an uncle to her, even though she looked very young in the photos he'd seen, he wanted to be a friend to her. Floyd and Janice understood as the rest of the boys in the band only wanted the same thing. 

Lips's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the Electric Mayhem's loud and wild drummer, Animal, who could be heard even with the windows and doors locked shut. 

"WOMAN WOMAN!" Animal screamed.

A tiny little girl scream was heard, as well as the voice of bass player, Floyd Pepper, screaming, "Down Animal!!"

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