Chapter Thirteen

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Your Side of the Bed- Little Big Town
Better Dig Two- The Band Perry
Life of the Party- Shawn Mendes
*Jenna's POV*

After Jack went to bed I couldn't help but be lonely and bored. I go look in the mirror and see that the black eye Sadie gave me is nothing compared to the damage she got.

I just wish I wouldn't have lied to jack about getting kicked out. We both got kicked out. Only I can go back in a few weeks.

Since I can't go back to school I am thinking about getting a job. I heard that a book store is hiring. I really wish I wouldn't have gotten suspended. This totally sucks.

I get ready to leave and I covered  my eye up with natural colored make-up. When I leave the only thing I can think of is my family. Maybe I should just transfer early and go back and get married to Jack.

I keep having the same thought until I walk into the book store. I walk up to the desk where a woman is sitting.

"Hi, I'm here for the job offer." I say.

"Hello Miss. I'm Mrs. Brown, come right this way." The woman says.

We walk back to a room where a man is sitting behind a large cherry desk. He seems like the mean type. The woman walks out and closes the door.

"Take a seat." The man says.
~Skip Interview~

I got the job. I'm going to be working at the cash register. It's not the best job for many people, but I get to read the books the whole time for free. Best job ever.

I walk to the dorm and I start thinking the same old thoughts about marrying Jack. Right as I am about to go to bed since it's late my phone rings.
(S- Skye, J- Jenna)
S- Hey gurl!
J- Hey what's up?
S- I was wondering if I could come and maybe we could pick your wedding dress out?
J- OMG yes. Totally. You should definitely come. I miss you. That and I should be getting ready for my wedding.
S- Good. Now come and get me from the airport.
J- I'll be right there.

I can't believe that she came all the way here without telling me.
*Skye's POV*

Jack sent me to New York to get Jenna and her wedding dress. We are going to California in two days.

After half an hour Jenna arrives with a taxi. We go back to her dorm and her roommate is there. Her roommate leaves quickly though stating she won't be back tonight.

"So I was thinking we could go to sleep and then go get your dress. Then we can send it to Cali." I say.

"Yeah that works. Except you're leaving in two days. I have to work." She says.

"You mean you need to go to school." I correct her.

"I got suspended." She says.

"WHAT?!?" I ask loudly.

"Don't tell Jack. But I got a job because I got suspended. And I don't want to just quit because I just got the job today." She says.

I'm about to say something when her phone rings. She answers it and walks out of the room. A few seconds later she walks into the room and looks upset.

"I just got fired. They found out that their daughter needs the job." She says.

"That's too bad. We should probably get to bed. And sleep on the idea of coming back early to transfer." I say before dozing off.
*Jenna's POV*

Getting fired sucked. Maybe I will transfer early. It makes a lot more sense to me. I mean why would I want to be away from Jack and the boys?

I fall asleep thinking of ways to break the news to Jack.
~The Next Morning~

I wake up to Skye shaking me.

"Get up. We need to get going. Lots to do today." Skye says.

"Okay okay. I got it." I say sitting up.

"Don't say that word again and we can still be friends." She says.

We laugh and then get ready for the day. We walk downstairs and out of the building. We talk about how everybody has been. They seem to be the exact same way they were when I left. Then again I only left like a few days ago.

We walk into a wedding dress shop and there are tons of bridezillas throughout the place.
~Skip to the end of the day~

I picked a dress today. We sent it to California so that way when I go back out we can easily get it on our wedding day.

As soon as we got back to the dorm Skye fell asleep. Great so I'm left alone with my thoughts.

I decide that maybe I should start packing.

I made my final desicion today.

I'm going back to California with Skye. I'm going to transfer colleges and stay home. No more of this halfway across this country crap.

After I finish packing I decide that I should tell Jack the news.
Jenna:  Hey baby guess what...
Jack <3 :  You are coming home tomorrow??
Jenna:  Actually yes! I'm so happy. Well I'm going to bed, I got an early flight. Love you.
Jack <3 :  YES! Love you too. I'll see you tomorrow baby.

I put my phone on charge and lay down. I try to fall asleep but I'm too excited to sleep. I'm going back home and staying.
~The Next Morning~

I barely slept last night. I'm just to happy for today. I'm just happy to be back in California.

"You seem happy." Skye says walking out of the airport.

"I'm home!" I yell.

"Well back in your home state." Skye corrects me.

"Whatever just take me home." I say.

"Actually we need to get your dress." She says getting into her car.

"Okay." I say.

We drive to the bridal shop listening to One Direction. Then we went to the beach oddly. When we get out of the car she quickly grabs my dress and pushes me into a fancy restaraunt next to a very pretty set up on the beach.

She puts my dress on and changes into a nice dress as well. She pushes me out again and Shawn's song Life of the Party starts playing.

I look at the area I saw earlier and there I saw Jack in a tux and the guys in nice clothes as well.
(Hey sorry for the late update. I'm actually really quickly typing this while at my grandparents house. I'm sorry if there are mistakes and other things. Hope you enjoyed it and I might not be allowed to update tomorrow. Bye.)

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