Chapter Three

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Distance- Jack and Jack

Groove- Jack and Jack

Night Changes- One Direction

*Jenna's POV*

I can't believe he isn't letting me go with him. Last night I gave him a pile of clothes, a blanket, his pillow and told him to sleep on the couch.

I look at my phone to see that it's 1:00. I can't sleep. It's probably because I haven't slept in my own bed without Jack since he the last time he went to Magcon and I stayed, but then surprised him. This truly sucks. I feel like I overreacted by making him sleep on the couch. I get up from the bed and walk out to the living room only to find a sleeping Jack.

I smile at him and lean against the wall. Maybe I should make him come back to bed. I think about it for another minute then I go wake him up.

"What's wrong?" Jack questions the minute he sees my face.

"I want you to come to bed. I can't sleep." I say.

"What about our last fight? I know that happened last night. I thought you were mad at me?" He questions.

"I don't care. I can't sleep and we can talk about it later." I say reaching for his hand.

He follows me back to the room and then I can finally fall asleep.

~9:00 AM~

I wake up to Jack trying to get out from under me. I move and then see that it's time I have to get up even though I rather not. I get up and get ready. I start grabbing my book bag when Jack grabs the bag.

"Hey what are you doing?" I question.

"You have a doctor's appointment today." Jack says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"I do?" I ask.

"Yeah. It's your six month check up." Jack says.

"Right. Well I want to talk about the fight we had last night." I say.

"What about it?" He asks shrugging.

"Well I remember you once told me that you were going to stay until the next tour when we found out that we were having twins." I say slowly, hoping he doesn't get mad.

"I know, but that was before I realized that we are going to need a place for these boys to go back to. I don't want my kids growing up in New York." Jack says.

"WHAT!" I yell, not even trying to make it sound like a question.

"Well, I think that if they grow up in a house they will have a better childhood. If they grow up here in a cramped apartment then they are going to have a sheltered childhood. That is something I think they don't need." He answers.

"Please explain more." I say.

"Like they can be born in New York, but when they are a few months old I want all of you in California with me." he says.

"Oh, I thought you meant that they shouldn't be living in New York at all." I say.

"Well I wouldn't have let them leave if that was the case." He says before kissing me.

I smile and then we go to the kitchen for breakfast. I make some coffee and some pancakes. While Jack and I eat we talk about how he is going to leave. I don't really want to talk about it, but at least I know that he has a smart plan now. When it's time to go I get nervous again. We quickly get a cab and then I start to panic. I decide to text Skye.

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