Weekend At Houston

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Manha's POV

We entered Houston we had two cars I was with my uncle who I'm.staying with him and his family andy grandmother while the rest where in the other car all I had on my mind that I just want to meet them I'm here they're here I was praying like crazy.

My uncle stopped a car at the hotel we were staying at we went in at the reception he already had made bookings I was sharing a room with my dad I he gave me the keys and we went in he told us that we will be going for dinner and everyone shall be ready by 7.

I went to my room my dad I went to sleep and I checked my insta fb and facebook and I saw Anums message

"Hey I'm glad you finay there and what your in Houston omg did u see waqas status he's in Houston too oh I'm prating toy meet him." I tried to her with Ameen then I Checked my insta I had so many DMS oh it's fr my friends they call me api cuz I'm older then them let me see

I checked on them and they were all active I posted "hey guys guess what I'm in Houston" as soon as they read it they started messaging omg you're lucky and do you know whole db is there we hole u meet them, I told them that I hole that too and then we just chatted away i ooked at the time and said good bye to them woke up dadi we both got ready for dinner.

We went to Savoy restaurant which was best in Bar B que we ordered in our food but all I had on my mind was Waqas and how do I meet him

Chachus POV

We reached Houston and then the hotel I told everyone to meet us in the lobby so we caneave for dinner at 7.

We left for dinner and sent to Savoy and ordered our food,I looked at Manna and she looked a little stressed.

Me: beta y arwbre you eating jaldi khalo then we will go for Ice Creams and Faloodas at Agha Juice.

Manha's POV

I heard my uncle say that we will be going to Agha Juice after this that's it I thought may be I'll meet db here I hope so because they go to this place I've seen it in there vlogs!!

My uncles paid the bills and we drove to Agha juice as I entered the shop I just prayed to meet them I saw the pictures on the wall that db saluted too in there vlogs and as I turned around looked towards the que I couldn't believe what I had just seen!! It was him I saw Waqas my eyes widened at I just stared at him when my aunt came and shook me

Aunt:Manha you ok what happened why are you standing like this tell your uncle what do you want go there.

I walked towards my uncle Waqas was standing right next ri my uncle in the line he told me to stand at his spot And order what I want, I felt goosebumps Luke I never had before it was like I couldn't breath I was standing next to Waqas my love he looked at me and passed a smile and ilthat moment I felt that my heart would just stop beating and I'll just die happily, I also smiled back nervously and that wheni heard the server asking what we wanted and we both in replied chocolate falooda together, and Waqas looked at me And smiled again the server put forward a falooda towards waqas which he gave to me sayingadies first oh he's such a gentlemen I thought I smiled and said no it's ok he can gave it I'll wait when he insisted I took it and thanked him, and my uncle came in and payed the money and told me they were sotto g inside and if I want I can go sit lutdidet with my cousins, I saw db sitting outside and I went out, I gathered the nerves to walk over towards them and finally talk to them,

Me: um excuse my sorry for bothering you guys but I'm a huge fan of dhoombros.

Hearing this the four of them greeted me warmly Hussain was the first person to shake hands with me And hugged me then CAME Shehryaar and Atif and lastly Waqas I felt so nervous shaking his hands and as soon as he hugged I felt shivers in my spine it was like I gave my finger in an electrical socket, they asked me my name and I told them Rabia,

Waqas POV

I was in the line waiting for my turn when a girl came and stood next to me she looked nervous standing there when I met her eye I passed her a smile which she replied smiling and heard the server ask what we wanted when both of us responded CHOCOLATE FALOODA and we both smiled the server gave me a falooda which I gave to the girl she wasn't taking it but I insisted And she left.

I walked outside and joined rest of the blys where after a while the sane girl came she knew us she turned our to be a fan no winder she felt nervous we all greeted her and shook her hands and hugged her as soon as it was my turn to shame hands and hug I could feel her hands shaking and her heart beating faster.

Manha's POV

As soon as we they greeted me they asked my name and I told them it was Manha I told them that I loved there videos and thati Ns my friends on Instagram are huge fans of when jokingly Hussain askex

Hussain: So Manha who's your favorite out of four of us?

Of no he just asked I knew this question was coming uhhh


I swear I know I blushed when I said that h know!!!

Waqas: um are you the sane Manha from.Instagram who posts poems

Omg! He the recognized me but how I thoug he oy read a few but would be er remember we but he does omg what do I do

Me: um yeah that's me *blush

Waqas: oh well you write beautifully

Me: Thanks I'm.glad you liked it

I couldn't stop smiling and I saw Hussain, Shwhryaar and Atif give a smirk to Waqas, then Shehryar started using his phone and all three of the boys phone rang and they started reading, I thought that Shehryar texted them maybe it was about me that how silly I am I was about to saw my byes when Waqas stopped me and said

Waqas: hey um these guys have some stuff to catch up on bit I'm here um if you don't mind we can talk

Me: yeah sure

I sat back in my. Hair And smiled

Shehryars POV

I could see this girl was more than a fun of Waqaa maybe she wanted to talk to him but felt nervous to say, so I texted the guys that lets eave Waqas here Lone so he can talk to her and we left making an excuse.

So Manha finally met db moreover Waqas what did they talk Bout did she tell Waqas how much sheoved him well stick around.ESE vote Ns comment to let me know tour thoughts on it.

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