Road Trip

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Waqas's POV

It was the day I HD to leave to pick Manha up I woke up got ready and kept my bag in the car then I bid farewell to my family and started driving towards Texas it was a days drive if I drove continuously I turned the music on and kept driving.

Manha's POV

I woke up all excited because in 24 hours Waqas would be here it was so difficult to wait for the time pass by meantime I kept gathering my stuff as I was to leave the apartment tomorrow morning and move to my uncles place for 2 days as Waqas would stay here for 2 days and then we shall go back I called him to ask him where he had reached

Waqas: hey

Me: hey sweety where have you reached so far?

Waqas: I'm in west Virginia right now

Me: oh! Still long way to go you must be getting tired

Waqas: hell no! I'm freaking excited to see you

Me: aww me too by the way did you eat something

Waqas: yeah I did I took an egg and cheese sandwich band coffee on my way from mc Donalds

Me: ok good drove safe please

Waqas: I am don't worry

Waqas's POV

Manha called me to ask me where I was then after she hung up I stopped at a gas station for a refill and buy some water then I was soon back on the road again later on I took a break and stopped over at Arby's on my way for lunch and to take a little rest then I was back on track by that time I was in Alabama and it was getting dark outside I kept on driving and soon entered Texas otvwas 2 am and I was hell tired I reached Manha's apartment by 3:30 am I went on to her door and rang the bell.

Manha's POV

It was already 3:30 am I wonder how long will Waqas be here in and that's when I herd the door bell ring I ran towards the door and opened it and it was Waqas I instantly hugged him and he hugged me tighter he swept me of my feet and spinned around we were so happybto see each other afyervall we were newly married living apart since a week.. Well he put me down and walked in shutting the door behind I took the bag from his hand and kept it in the room then i gave him water Gosh he looked exhausted

Me: did you have dinner

Waqas: umm to be honest no

Me: Waqas are you serious why

Waqas: because I didn't feel like eating besides it would consume time

Me: are you crazy wait let me fix something to eat you must be starving

I walked in the kitchen and took out two eggs and made him scrambled eggs and toast

Me: here eat up

Waqas looked at me with eyes wide open

Me: hey I know it's breakfast food but what else could I do at 4:00 am in the morning

Waqas: ha ha hey I'm not looking at you because of the food it's because how pretty you look angry

Me: oh please stop buttering me and eat up

I poured him orange juice in his glass and he ate the food then he went on the bathroom to change and freshen up while I went in the kitchen washed the plates and went to the room

Waqas's POV

I changed and freshened up then went to tnevroom Manha was already there she was brushing her hair I went on and laid down I was hell tired my feet and back ached because of the nonstop driving

Manha: you ok

Me: yeah Why?

Manha: just asking I mean you look like you're in pain the way you laid down

Me: well yeah I have pain I'm my back and feet

Manha: of course you do you drove nonstop Waqas wait let me put some ointment for pain relief on

She opened the drawer next to her bed and took put a tube

Manha: turn around so I can put it on

Me: yeah wait

I turned over and she put the medicine on my back and me feet

Me: thanks babe that helped

Manha: you're welcome sweety u better sleep now your tired you need rest

She turned the lights off and we went to sleep

Manha's POV

I woke up and checked the time it was 9 and we were to leave the apartment at around 12 so I woke Waqas up

Me: Waqas Waqas wake up sweety its 9

Waqas: hmm yeah ok I'm up

Me: morning I'm sorry I some you up but you know why na

Waqas: hey its ok I know don't worry how about we get dressed go out for breakfast get back gather your stuff and go to your uncles house

Me: sounds like a plan

I got out of bed went in to rake shower abs get dressed while he watched TV and as soon as I came out he went in and then we both got ready and went to IHOP for breakfast soon we were done with our breakfast we really he'd back home around 11:00 then we gathered our stuff and kept in both the cars mine and his and locked the house and gave the keys back to the landlord and he drove his car and I drove mine and me drove to my uncles house in San Antonio.

Waqas's POV

We reached Manha's uncle's house and rang the door bell her cousin Hani opened the door

Hani: yeah your here we were all waiting he called Manha's uncle to let him.know we had arrived then we walked in and met her uncle and his family and her little cousins were really excited to see us her uncle showed me the room we would stay in and told us that we have to go to dinner at her other uncles house and her dadi would be there too he told us to get dome rest and be ready by 6

We kept our stuff aside freshened up and got some sleep as I still felt tired due to lack of sleep.

Manha's POV

It was 5 so I some Waqaa up do he could shower and get ready for the dinner party I was already dressed and only had to do my hair and makeup he woke up and went to shower and change and I finished getting ready soon we were ready and joined my uncle and his family and we left the house to go to my uncles place as soon as we reached there I MST my other uncles and aunties and my cousins I met my dadi along with Waqas she gave us her blessings and then we all the alkex till dinner was served then we ate the dinner and after that took some pictures and soon were on pur way back home but it was decided that my uncles will be hosting a little party for Waqas and me and all our family and friends there would be joining us as soon as we really home Waqas and I changed and were really tired so we both fell asleep.

Here it is new chapter guys I hope you guys Like it. Please comment and vote for me. Thank you guys! Lots of love peace out!

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