Day 3 Start

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Sunlight filtered in from between the vine covered entrance of the den, hitting Yoongi straight in the eyes. A grumble found its ways out as he pushed his face further into his own arms in an attempt to block it out, sniffing when he felt furs hit his nostrils. A huff of a laugh rang behind him, startling the male from falling back into unconsciousness which, in all reality, is all he wants to do.

The body behind him shifted, a warm hand finding its way to the top of his head, fingers running through his green strands and as much as he doesn't want to admit it, it felt nice. His mother plays with his hair whenever he has a problem relaxing, the feeling soothing to him. Contrary to the previous time he woke up, he's well aware that it isn't her who is ruffling his hair. Sniffing, the subtle smell of sandalwood and vanilla invaded his nose, mixing with the natural earthy scent of the artificial land.

"Omega up?" The voice of Seokjin was close to his ear, his breath tickling and causing goosebumps to raise on his skin. His hand continued its soothing motion, fingers massaging Yoongi's scalp with each pass. As much as it pained him to do it (it felt nice, damn Seokjin and his magic fingers), the mint male moved his body away from the other, the lose of warmth hitting him immediately, but if Yoongi is one thing, it's stubborn so even if he's a bit colder now, he won't go back.

Sitting up, he pulls what appears to be a deer pelt over his lap to cover himself before raising his arms to stretch, arching his back in the process. A small groan left him when he felt his spine crack, relief flooding his body as he ruffled his hair before slumping back down.

Silence filled the space for several seconds, something that Yoongi was both grateful for since he sucks at small talk, but also concerned about as ever since he entered, he hadn't been left alone without being bothered by someone. Turning his head to peer at Seokjin, he found the male to already be staring at him, eyes dark as they scanned over his form. Even though just his nude top half was on display, something alphas are typically comfortable with, the way Seokjin's looking at him makes him feel like he's doing something scandalous, makes him feel....dirty in a way.

Crossing his arms over this chest in an attempt at modesty, a scowl forming the longer the Head Alpha stared, "No, alpha is up." he responded, emphasizing that he is, in fact, an alpha no matter his stature compared to the others.

"Oh," Seokjin hummed, his face lighting up in amusement as he stood up and headed over to the den entrance. Pulling back the vines, he turned to face the younger, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, "Omega go. Pack waiting."

Glaring, Yoongi pushes himself up from where he was sitting, careful to keep a grip on the pelt around his waist, and made his way over to the taller, eyes straight ahead to the outside, not sparing the brunette alpha a glance out of stubbornness. Just to be a little more of a brat (the pack really needs to understand he is not an omega), Yoongi went to the opposite side of where Seokjin was holding the plants back, opting to push through them himself.

The green leaves tickled his face as he stormed through them, the foliage parting easily. He has to think of a way to prove himself to the pack, some way to show that he's a capable alpha. Maybe he could try hunting again, but this time go with Jimin and catch something large that could feed the whole pack.

As he felt the vines brush past his thighs, a finger run down his spine, leaving a trail of heat in its wake, causing him to slow his stride. He felt the tip hit the the top of the deer pelt, nail scratching the skin above his coccyx lightly, teasingly, before dipping underneath. A surprised yelp left Yoongi as he felt his makeshift cover being ripped away, leaving him bare for all eyes to see once again.

A hot breath fanned over his neck and into his ear, "Leave fur here." The finger made its way back up his back and to the nape of his neck, playing with the hair that laid there before the Head Alpha's other fingers joined, callus pads rubbing gently. "Go. Pack wait." Seokjin gave one last squeeze and let go, making his way over to Namjoon and Jimin who both seemed to be in a heated discussion about whatever was on the ground in front of them.

The desire to defy and go back in to grab the pelt burned in Yoongi's gut, but as he watched the alpha walk away, broad back on full display, he knew it wasn't the time and it would just anger the other plus, having Seokjin on his side so far has saved his ass from fighting the city alpha from a few days ago and from submitting to Taehyung.

Speaking of the lively brunette, it appeared that he was in his wolf form, dark brown fur covered his body. He was over by the wood pile near the outer circle of the camp, pouncing onto the back of  a black wolf, which had to be Jungkook, who attempted to shake him off as Hoseok stood a little ways away laughing.

Looking between both groups, Yoongi came to the conclusion that his best bet is to go to the wolves that were horsing around rather than Namjoon, Jimin, and Seokjin. He did promise Namjoon that he would hang out with him soon, but he doesn't think that he should interrupt their conversation, especially when he could hear Seokjin growling.

Slowly, he walked over to Hoseok, Taehyung, and Jungkook, the soft grass cushioning his the soles of his feet. Playful yips and grumbles getting louder the closer he got, Taehyung now biting at Jungkook's ear as the younger attempted to get at his front leg.

When he was about five feet away from the group they all froze, heads snapping to his direction, all their eyes flashing red, causing him to falter in his steps. Suddenly, Taehyung and Jungkook started fighting again, but it was different this time, rather than the light hearted playing from before the bites were harder, the growls deeper.

Yoongi stopped next to Hoseok, eyes never leaving the display in front of him. Jungkook had Taehyung pinned to the ground at this point, the lighter wolf snapping at the younger's muzzle in an attempt to get him off. "What are they doing?" he muttered as Taehyung managed to throw the other off with his hind legs.

Hoseok glanced over at him, eyes flickering down briefly then sliding back up Yoongi's body, "Alpha pups." He gestured towards the two who were now tumbling around on the grass trying to one up each other. "Omega." The taller pointed at Yoongi, gaze never leaving his face. "Show strong."

The older blinked, head tilting slightly to the side, "O...kay." Taehyung had Jungkook pinned at this point, having won their rolling battle, the younger alpha snarling in response.

Both Yoongi and Hoseok watched them go back and forth in silence, the former in curiosity and fascination since stuff like this rarely happens where he's from, the latter with a blank expression, his arms crossed over his chest. Just as Jungkook flipped the other wolf over, the mint male felt a light touch on his bicep, catching his attention. Glancing over, he finds the curly haired alpha smiling at him, pointing in the direction of the forest on the right. "Omega come alpha?"

"Um," was Hoseok asking him to go with him? Obviously Yoongi, he inwardly rolled his eyes at himself, why else would he ask you to come with him? Looking back at the other two and seeing them still going at it, it's obvious Hoseok is the best choice. He was originally going to pick him today anyway, since he spend time with the brat yesterday and Taehyung being unpredictable after the stunt he pulled the day before. Nodding, Yoongi looked back at the other, "yeah, sure."

Hoseok's smile, if possible, got even brighter as he grabbed the smaller's arm and pulled him into to direction he pointed, Jungkook and Taehyung none the wiser.


Everyone, I'm so sorry! For anyone who didn't see, I meant for this to be out a few weeks ago, but I ended up tripping over my dog and fell down the stairs like a dumbass 😅 I couldn't move very well for a few days plus I got a chunk of skin taken out of my hand, but I'm all good now!

I will work hard to get more chapters out, I promise!

Also sorry for it seeming rushed 😓 I wanted to get something out since it's been m o n t h s

In other news, BE is coming and I'm not ready 🙃

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