Chapter 6

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"Hello little vampire," a deep voice purred in the foggy mist.

I frantically looked around searching for the deep, lulling voice that floated around me.

"Who's there! Come out," I yelled into the fog.

"Then you'll be afraid." Something long and brushed across my legs making me flinch back. "I don't want that yet," the rumbling voice echoing all around me.

My eyes switched back and forth looking desperately for the owner of that powerful voice.

"Where's the way out!" I yelled out, almost ending in a frantic plea.

A dark chuckle echoed across the room. "There is no way out," the voice rumbled behind me.

I froze when I felt deep breaths tumble down my back, eliciting an electric shiver that thundered throughout my body.

My eyes went downcast when a large shadow swallowed up my body. The shape was unrecognizable as it stood still behind my frightened form.

I whipped my head around eliminating my last piece of courage and came face to face with a large golden snout, centimeters from my face.

The closeness caused me to stumble back and fall to the ground before the large creature. I propped up on my elbows and looked at a pair of mismatched slitted eyes that seemed to be calculating my every move.

The large golden dragon sat on its haunches, giving me a perfect view of its powerful body.

Layers upon layers of golden scales littered across its body. Spikes stuck up along his back and were scattered across its feral face. Its wings were powerful and the wingspan was too long to compare. His eyes were large glowing orbs that seemed to penetrate deep into my soul.

I gulped and started to scoot back from this demeaning creature, but he slammed his powerful claws on either side of my face, caging me in and pushing me fully to the floor.

"W-what do you want?" I was surprised at the slight stutter that escaped my lips. I have never stuttered before in my life, that is before now.

"Why must you ask such stupid questions," his deep voice rumbled forth from his long snout.

"I want you."

I gasped as I awoke from the vivid nightmare. Sweat shined off my face and I reached a shaking hand up trying to wipe the remnants of my dream away.

I quickly reached my hands down to my chest. A breath of panic escaped my throat when I came in contact with scaly skin on my torso.

My panic settled when I looked into the glowing eyes of the black dragon curled around my stomach. I reached my hand down and patted its head, glad it was him and not the product of my fear from my dream.

Once my head cleared up enough, the blaring sound of the phone stung my ears.

I grumbled under my breath, then grabbed the phone laying on my nightstand and answered.

"Hello," I mumbled into the phone.

"Hi Baine, I heard what happened. It's me Ica-."

"I know who it is Icarus." I couldn't help but smile slightly at hearing my other adoptive brother on the line. "It's good to hear from you."

Icarus's laugh echoed from the phone. "It's great to hear from you too. I talked to Aegeus and we've come to the conclusion that you will be staying with us until this whole thing blows over."

"God, does everyone know?"

"Yeah pretty much. Just calling to let you know that Zaikai and I are coming to pick you up."

"Okay just let me get packed. Be careful when you come in. I don't want you to get jumped."

"Alright, see you in ten," then he hung up.

I put the phone up, then leaned back on my pillow with a tired sigh. When was this all going to be over with?"

I grabbed my duffel bag out of the closet and started shoving clothes in. I shrugged on some boxers, sweatpants, and a plain black t-shirt hoping no one would question the abnormal clumps beneath my clothing.

Just as I was slipping on some sandals I heard brisk knocking coming from the door.

"Come in!" I hollered from the bench.

I looked up as my brother's husband Zaikai came walking in. He was taller than me, and his muscle mass even rivaled mine. Curly hair was slicked back out of his face and his eyes were a deep soulless black. He wore a business suit and his hands were jammed into his pockets. A graceful smile was on his lips as he gazed at me from the doorway.

"Is it okay if I come in? I don't see any of the dragons that Aegeus was talking about." I cringed at the bitter tone that he used Aegeus's name with.

Zaikai was a master vampire and when Icarus was too young to comprehend, Zaikai claimed him as his life partner. I'm Aegeus's eyes, Zaikai stole Icarus away. They would always have bitter blood towards each other and there wasn't much anyone could do.

I stood up and lifted my shirt up exposing two of the five dragons on my body.

"Oh woah, you do have a problem there," Zaikai chuckled looking closely at the gold and black dragons.

I shrugged my shoulders pulling down my shirt over my stomach. "I'm surprised they're not attacking you."

Zaikai took his hands out of his pockets and wiggled his fingers. "My powers come in handy in times like this."

"Now I see why I'm staying with you. You make the dragons kind of docile."

"Exactly," Zaikai turned around and started heading out. "Let's go. The boys are getting impatient to see you."

I flopped my duffel bag over my shoulder and followed Zaikai to the black Subaru Icarus insisted on getting.

I opened the trunk and put my bags in then opened the door to the back seat and started to smile at the kids' excited voices.

Cadmus sat in a booster seat at the door I opened. He was a werewolf that Zaikai and Icarus had adopted after rouges killed his family. He had brown hair and green eyes and was the most energetic child in the world.

Thackery, his younger brother sat in a baby seat since he was only a few years old. He was a dhampir, which was a half-human half-vampire crossbreed. He had blonde curly hair and bright baby blue eyes that were looking up at me with complete and utter excitement.

"Hi boys," I grumbled, ruffling Cadmus's hair. "I'm going to be staying with you for a few days."

"Yay!" Cadmus yelled while Thackery clapped his hands.

I smiled crawling into the little seat that was in between them.

"You can stay in my room Uncle Baine," Cadmus said seriously.

"That's okay buddy. I'll just stay in the room right across from You're, so we can play real early in the morning without waking your daddies."

"Like that's going to happen." Icarus's playful voice retorted from the passenger seat.

Icarus had an odd beauty that everyone just stopped and stared at. Green eyes and short white hair that used to be long, but he cut it off when he got the boys. Pale skin and delicate features that made him look fragile, but he was anything but that.

"Good to see you brother," I said at his glowing face.

"Good to see you too," then we shared one of those half hugs because of our limited movements.

Alright, boys let's hit the road." Zaikai boomed from the driver's seat and pulled out from my apartment's parking lot.

Icarus turned up the radio when the boys started singing along to it. Cadmus did and Thackery tried his hardest.

Soon after Icarus started to sing and Zaikai followed behind.

I just sat laughing in the back seat as we drove to their home.

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