I - Yumi

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She nocked an arrow, gripping the clothed handle of the bow. She let out a puff of air to blow away the damning strands of hair from her face. She aimed at the red cloth she tied around a skinny tree trunk.


Yumi's eyes widened in shock as her hand holding the arrow loosened. The arrow flew, missing the tree and landing in the bushes.


A small yelp came from the bushes behind the tree. "You almost put a hole in my ear with your stupid arrow!", yelled a small boy, Shōto, who was clutching his ear with one hand while the other waving her arrow as he got out of the bushes.

"And this is a perfect reason why not to startle someone with a weapon!" Yumi said, "Besides... I bet the arrow only slightly grazed you, Shōto."

Shōto sighed as he lowered his hand, revealing a small cut on his earlobe. Yumi chuckled and said, "Since I did injure you, I'll give you my dessert at dinner. Deal?"

"Deal!" Shōto exclaimed, already drooling of the dessert of the day, raspberries. Yumi giggled as she sat down and gestured for Shōto to come closer and said, "Now come here so I can tend to your cut." Shōto complied and sat down in front of her, putting the arrow on the ground next to her.

Yumi pulled out a little container with healing salve in it, along with a scrap of white linen, from her pocket. Shōto squirmed as she placed some of the salve on his cut. But stopped when he felt the cool feeling from the salve take effect, and Yumi placed the linen scrap on his salve-covered cut. She picked up the arrow and put it in the quiver slung over her shoulder.

The duo got up, just as a faint sound of a ringing bell reached their ears. Shōto grinned and said, "The loser has to not use their weapon for a day!" Yumi chuckled as Shōto started running immediately after saying that, and she ran after him.


Shōto had a gloomy aura around him until Yumi put her handful of raspberries in front of his face, to which he grabbed them and slowly nibbled the berries to savor them. Yumi noticed the slight envious gazes on Shōto's extra dessert until Yumi glared back at the other children.

One little girl stood up and asked, "Why do you favor Shōto so much, Yumi?" Yumi faintly chuckled as she stood up and walked to the girl. She ruffled the little girl's hair as she bent down to eye level the girl.

"He's new, Runa... Same as you. Besides, Didn't you guys always say you wanted to be an older figure to the new ones?" Yumi's lips curled into a slight smirk as realization appeared to hit Runa and the other children as their expressions sank. Runa glanced at Shōto before grief clouded her eyes and she ran to him, hugging Shōto tightly.

"Uhh..? Are you okay? Your hugging is starting to hurt." Shōto mumbled, tapping her shoulder, signaling to stop with the hugging. Runa immediately let go of him, looking at him with pity. "Runa, come here..." Yumi said. Runa stepped towards her.

"Go play, Shōto! I'll be out in a bit!" Yumi instructed him. Shōto nodded and walked out of the dining hall. Yumi turned to the other children. "Please don't mention the circumstances around him. Unlike you, Runa, he knows nothing..." Runa's face turned grave as she slowly nodded. "We'll wait till he turns 12 summers... So... 3 summers from now..." The children nodded and left to do their chores.

Yumi walked outside, only to be tackled by Shōto who grinned. "Can I watch your target practice, Yumi?" Shōto begged, excited when Yumi nodded.


Any feedback is appreciated!

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