ch. ─── three

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HE COULDN'T BELIEVE it was her. The same girl from the coffee shop. Right after class was done, Kaminari wasn't fast enough to catch her, the girl leaving right as the bell rang. For the rest of the day, Kaminari was on a mission to talk to her. Yet, between Hajime being stuck to Todoroki's side or his friends talking his ear off, Kaminari always managed to lose her.

But once it was lunch, that was his chance to talk to her again. Even if the only time they ever spoke was far from pleasant, Kaminari remained brave. He needed to clear the air between them if they were going to be classmates.

Kaminari spotted her at a table just a few feet away from him, recognizing the few faces that occupied the table. It was Todoroki who sat next to her with the rest of his fiends from class, a happy look on her painted features. As he neared her lunch table, Kaminari was taken back with how much friendlier Hajime seemed, the smile on her face graceful even. Knowing she was in a better mood from their previous encounter gave Kaminari a boost in confidence, his steps becoming swifter as he puffed out his chest.

"Um, excuse me." He gulps when her eyes fall on him. "Can I talk to Hajime for just a sec."

To his surprise, the corner of her lips turned upwards as she nodded, everyone at the table watching her leave. Kaminari had no idea what they were talking about, however, with the way they watched her, he imagined it was something about her sudden transfer. The topic fascinated him as well, but Kaminari felt he was in no position to ask.

"I'll be back soon," she chimed, Hajime waving back to them. Kaminari followed her gesture, trotting up behind her when she started to walk away.

He followed her until they reached a secluded part of the hallway around the cafeteria, Hajime leading the way as Kaminari focused on how her hair swayed left to right. He didn't even notice the smile that etched the way to his face, the situation going in a direction he didn't anticipated.

"So... Your name is Hajime. It's pretty," he commented while halting to a stop.

His expression dropped when Hajime turned around, her brows knitted and eyes guarded. "Sorry. I'm not really good at this..."

"What are you good at then?" she scoffed, Kaminari blinking back at her absentmindedly. "Because you've only been good at wasting my time."

Hajime leans back and crosses her arms, Kaminari gaping like a fish. "I just wanted to say sorry for the other day again," he says. "I didn't know you were in my class this year."

"Why would you? We're not friends," Hajime snaps.

They way she held herself caused Kaminari's tenacity to slip through his composure, his hands becoming fidgety as her violet eyes never wavered from his form. The boy knew that she was beautiful, but after today, Hajime was incredibly intimating. Kaminari never stood a chance with someone like her. Farther even considering she hated him.

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