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Watching from afar, Macon can only shake her head, finding the predicament the boys are in to be the funniest she to have seen in a while. "Dumbasses," she scoffs, an airy laugh leaving her lips soon after. Her eyes trail to the group of civilians, as they speak some yards away from Axel and Oscar. At some point, though, her name is thrown into the conversation as they turn their eyes to her. She can only raise a brow, wondering what they're talking about before they look away, continuing as if nothing happened. However, Daryl's eyes linger a little bit longer, and it can only make the smile on her face grow wider. "Brownie bitch," she chuckles, turning her attention back to twirling her ax around.

At some point, her patience and attention span run thin. So, instead of sitting and waiting for her death to come(even though it's her lifelong dream), she finally gets up to her feet, deciding to speak with her prison pals. Walking over to the rundown fence, she steps over it, walking around the outside of the prison towards Oscar and Axel, only a few walkers between her and them. Once she kills them with some effort, she leans against the gate, clicking her tongue at the two idiots.

"Great job, you guys," she applauds, gaining a quiet scoff from Oscar in response.

"You're not leaving with us?" Axel asks.

"No," she replies bluntly. "Y'all can't kill walkers properly, and you want me to go out there with you?"

"It's better than being in that shithole," Oscar responds.

"At least you're alive in said shithole," she retorts, a scoff leaving her lips right after. "You're fucking pitiful," she declares. Without another word she walks back to her spot in the field, sitting back on the grass with another tired groan.

At some point, the old man who had his leg chopped off hobbles outside on crutches, which makes Macon turn her head, watching him and the pregnant lady walk outside. She stands up quietly, watching with silent appreciation, only for something behind them to attract her attention.

"Oh shit!" she exclaims. Running through the prison and to their side, she slams the door open to see walkers behind the small group, making her eyes become wide like saucers. With the swing of her ax, she takes one down before yanking it from its skull, the blood squirting onto her face.

"Walkers!" she hears the kid say but doesn't bother turning to look. Instead, she kills another one before pulling her ax out of it. She takes as many out as she can, watching behind her every few moments as gunshots begin to ring out.

"The gate!" she hears someone exclaim. Turning to look for a second, she sees it's coming from the guy named T, who shots at one of the oncoming walkers. The two make eye contact for less than a moment before Macon turns her head, moving towards the gate with him.

She, him, and a gray-haired woman make through most of the walkers, with the exception of a few that the woman takes out. Grabbing the gate, T and her shut it as quickly as possible, Macon holding it shut as he places a lock on it. However, one walker grabs him, biting into his shoulder. The only reason she noticed was because he screamed right into her ear. Grabbing at the walker, she yanks it off him, knocking it to the ground. And with one quick swing, the waker's head is cut clean off.

"Let's go!" T screams in her ear once more, grabbing her by the back of her shirt. She turns to run, following him and the woman into the prison, slamming the door behind her.

"This cannot get any worse," she sighs, following the two through the dark corridors. Of course, she is forced to eat her own words when alarms begin blaring, nearly bursting her eardrum. "Fucking course," she grumbles, gripping her ax with an even tighter grip than before.

"There's a set of double doors that leads to a corridor that'll get you back to our cell block. I don't remember whic-"

"You need to stop-"

"If we stop we die!" Macon snaps, cutting the lady off and continuing her way along the halls.

After many turns, flickering lights, and nearly tripping over her own feet a few times, Macon nearly has them at the exit. With the sweat running down her face and her heavy breathing, she doesn't know how much longer she'll be able to stand. However, she's forced to when she sees her path is blocked by at least three walkers in front of them. Looking back at the two, she sees that the male is barely hanging on, using the lady as a crutch.

"Fuck," she pants, forcing herself to bring the ax up into the air. But before she can even swing, the man sprints past her and the elderly woman, right into the three walkers. Pinning them against the wall, he screams at them to run, which takes both a moment to comprehend before Macon pulls the woman to follow, creeping past the man as he screams out in agony, being eaten alive by the walkers. Still, she runs past him and down the hall, the woman following right behind her.

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