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This is a self insert fanfiction, meaning the main character's name will be written as (Y/N). The reader (that's you!) is written as a female using she/her pronouns in this story. Skin tone, facial features, hair color, eye color, height, are all left ambiguous. This story is written in the first person in the view of you. For example, you will see sentences such as, "I couldn't believe what I was seeing." Also, the reader is kind of bi? It isn't outright mentioned or said, but it does come into play way later.





I do not agree with the romanticization and fetishization of the black lives matter movement. However, with that being said, I do believe it is important to be able to separate characters from their world. Or in other words, I believe you can take a real person and separate them and what they stand for from the character the internet has turned them into.

The tall men, and woman, that are dressing in riot gear and aiding the protesters during the 2020 BLM Movement are heroes. They protect protesters, throw hot tear gas canisters back at the police, and demand change just like the rest of us. We do not know their identities, but we admire them. They are kind. They are polite. They stand with the people. Riot, Tank, Alpha, and Scales- or any other names they may go by- are heroes to our cause.

This is not about them, per se.

This is about characterizations of them.

This fanfiction will not regard the BLM movement.

This fanfiction will not regard the reality of the world as it is right now in 2020.

This fanfiction will not acknowledge the murder of George Floyd.

That does not mean I, the author, do not acknowledge those things. Keep reading to learn how you can help and my thoughts. That simply means this work of fiction will not mention the murdering of innocent black people. I will not glorify their deaths. I will not commemorate them in something like this. I don't agree with people adding George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, or ANY POC who's life has been taken by pigs.

The spec ops, as the internet has dubbed them, will be ripped out the real world in this book. They will not be going to protests. I'm not writing any protests. They are going to be community heroes, working in the shadows, protects people from things they don't know exist. (Think cryptids).

All of that being said, the rest of this lengthy introduction will be ways YOU can help out the cause. If you are taking time to indulge in your selfish desires and read this fanfiction, you can take the time to actually help real people. Help people get their rights. Help deaths be avenged.

Take the time to show the world that Black Lives Matter.

I've just found out that Wattpad does not allow links in the books, so please, fill the comments with resources and links. I'll try to do my best to add my own in their too.

If you go to twitter, search "blm petitions" or "protest petition" or "petitions to sign" or "gofundme" and click recent/latest. You will find so many threads of links to these pages.



Say their names.

Do not give up. This is only the beginning.

If you don't agree, you can leave.

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