5 | An Explaination

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   I was shaken back to reality by the stranger to my left. The woman, whose name I still didn't know. "You okay?" She asked. "Seemed a little, uh... Spaced out there. Wide eyes, not blinking, the whole nine yards."

   I just stared at her, still not blinking and presumably still with wide eyes. I wanted to tell her "No, of course I'm not okay. I was just kidnapped and also discovered that demon pterodactyl looking hell spawn creatures exist and oh yeah also I almost died like a gazillion times. Do you think anyone could be okay in my shoes right now?" But instead of saying that my mouth hung open like a brainless goldfish.

   "(Y/N)?" she waved her hand in front of my face, but I still couldn't find the right words to speak. I don't think I could have said them even if I knew what to say. Do they all know my name? Who are these people?

   "Scales, give it up. The poor girl's in shock right now," the driver, Alpha, explained. I just looked forward, staring out the front windshield. There was still the relentless shooting overhead from the one whose name I hadn't learned yet, but I didn't hear the shrieks of the creatures anymore. It wasn't long until the shooting stopped and he ducked back down inside, leaving the gun mounted up top to cool down.

   "I think they lost us," he relayed. "The smaller one backed off when Splinter did."

   "Splinter is back?" Alpha asked, concern and disbelief lacing every word like poison.

   The man next to me nodded.

   "The smaller one looked fresh," Riot explained. "They've got a nest somewhere nearby."

   "There's more of those things?" I asked in disbelief quietly, surprised anyone heard that. But, alas, they did hear because now everyone but Alpha was looking at me.

   "She speaks!" Scales yelled out with glee, a smile obvious, even though I couldn't see her face.

   "Scales," Alpha reprimanded. I guess she had a track record of being overly excited. I can already tell who the fun one in this group is.


   The man next to me, the one with dreads, reached up and took off his helmet. He was a darker man with a bright and inviting smile. Stubbly mustache and beard connecting together perfectly. The softest brown eyes I'd ever seen. He held his hand out to me. "Tank. I already know you're (Y/N), so you don't have to introduce yourself. You're safe now."

   I shook his hand, still not saying anything from shock.

   The woman next to me took her helmet off next. The first thing I noticed was her eyes. Clear blue and beautiful. Soft pink lips stretched into a toothy smile. Straight platinum blonde hair cut into a pixie cut, brushed to the front. The back and sides were shaved and she was gorgeous. She radiated fun energy and her whole demeanor screamed "elated." I liked this girl already. She grabbed my hand, not waiting and taking charge, shaking it excitedly. "I'm Scales! Super glad to finally meet you."

   "Finally?" I asked.

   "Yeah! I've heard so much about you from Alpha, it's great to finally put a face to the name!"

   I looked at the man in the driver's seat. It felt like he was staring at me, but I couldn't tell. He still had a helmet on. Maybe he was, through the rearview mirror. Who knows.

   "You two put your helmets back on. We're not safe until we get to the bunker," he ordered. Tank and Scales both did as they were told. I'm guessing Alpha is their leader. My gaze drifted over to Riot in the passenger seat. He was looking out the window, hand holding the little handle attached to the roof that my dad always called the "oh shit" handle. He hadn't formally introduced himself yet. Neither had Alpha, but he had the excuse of driving.

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