Stop saying all lives matter

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Okay, I gotta speak up.

People going around combatting the BLACKLIVESMATTER hashtags with ALLLIVESMATTER - stop.

No one. Literally no one. Is arguing against the fact that all lives matter. Of course they do. If they didn't, then the blm movements wouldn't even exist.

What you seem to not realise is that by countering BLACKLIVESMATTER with all lives matter, you are using semantics to undermine a movement focused on supporting a group that has suffered with racism their entire existence, purely because you can't take the attention being on a group that may not include yourself. The blm movement is a movement for people to recognise the racism and brutality suffered by black people across the globe.

Semantics are the worst, lowest and least intelligent form of argument. If you don't see undermining a racial movement as problematic you need to check yourself and your privilege because that is the exact reason black people and poc have suffered for so long under the hands of white peoples.

I'm sure you've heard the house on fire analogy, if you don't get that, try this one:

A young woman collapses in the street. she's diabetic and is in desperate need of insulin. A group of non-diabetic people surround her to see what's going on.

A paramedic arrives and moves to inject the woman with life saving insulin immediately but is stopped by the surrounding group.

They ask why they aren't being injected with insulin. The paramedic responds saying if the young woman does not get this insulin she will die. She needs it.

The group start to argue saying that they need insulin too, why aren't they getting any? Their lives matter just as much as the young woman's.

The paramedic responds saying that she knows everyone needs insulin, she knows that their lives matter just as much as the young woman's, but this woman needs it more at that moment because without it she will die. It has nothing to do with the fact that the insulin is not being shared around it's the fact that you would not inject someone with insulin when they are not suffering.

Just the same way you wouldn't pour water on a house that isn't on fire.

All lives do matter. But, when you are a person who does not have to worry about getting pulled over by police and potentially arrested, or beaten or even killed purely based on the colour of your skin, then there is an issue which you do not understand.

NO life matters UNTIL all lives matter. And at this current point in time, with police brutality and murder it is very obvious that there are groups in society who believe that black lives don't matter. And that. Is one of. The. Most. Abhorrent. Beliefs. Ever.

Silence is a luxury that black people and poc do not have. Now is not the time to revel in luxuries.

Mass movement creates mass change. Mass silence creates mass complacency.

And complacency is no longer an option.

March on. Protest on. Fight on.


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