Part 42: A Muddy Muddy Mess

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Oh my gosh everyone! My first book Apartment No.4 has just hit 13 million reads!! 


Gosh, I honestly cannot believe it.I appreciate each and every single one of you for supporting me, it really means the world to me.

On that note, here is our newest chapter for today! I'm trying to write a stack of chapters to have them ready to be publish regularly - it's time we get this story back up on its feet!

Also, I feel like I should point out that Isaac and Alex's relationship is not ideal. It is not a relationship to fantasise over, nor is it something to wish you had. 

I really wanted to get this chapter out so I apologise for any mistakes, I will correct them later :) 

I hope you enjoy this chapter! Let me know what you think in the comments and don't forget to vote!!

We pulled into the small dirt driveway at the training grounds to park the car and clambered out of the car.

Kingston assured that his cap was placed firmly on his head along with his sunglasses, and that his jacket was covering up any noticeable tattoos on his arms. Of course, the ones that climbed just above the neckline of his t-shirt were a bit tricker to cover and so he pulled up the collar of his jacket a bit higher.

Off in the distance, I saw the Country Club kissing and hugging, again with their ironic KeepCups in one hand and puffer jackets hanging off their shoulders. I peered over at them and tried to see if Chris's mum was there yet. Unfortunately, she was no where to be seen.

Perhaps it was actually fortunate this time, what with Kingston being with me. Kingston reached into the car and pulled out the soccer ball, bouncing it once on his knee before tucking it under his arm.

"Here, Lu," I said to her as I pulled a hair tie from my pocket. She walked over to me eagerly and stood with her back to my front as I tied her thick curls into a somewhat neat but tight bun. "Feel sturdy?" I asked her, the wind whipping at my own hair and making my fringe fly around my forehead.

She shook her head violently to test out her bun before giving me a toothy grin and a nod.

"Okay," I laughed and pushed her gently towards the soccer pitch where Christopher was now waiting and his mum doing the subsequent rounds with The Wives. Kingston tossed the ball to Lucy as she ran towards Chris and he chuckled. I tried to keep my eyes on Lucy and Christopher but every other second I would catch a glimpse at Kingston from the corner of my eye as I flicked my fringe out of my face.

"Where do you normally sit? Or would you like to go say hi to the Country Club?" he joked and I scowled at the thought.

"I'd rather eat a soccer ball in all honesty,"

"Well, that really is saying something," he chuckled and I started to walk in the direction of the park bench with him hot on my tail.

"Have you ever watched her train?" I asked, the sudden realisation hitting me that there was every chance he'd never been to a meeting, never met any of the parents or the kids let alone watched Lucy play.

He didn't reply until we made it to the park bench and I sat down, taking the opportunity to look up at him. It was hard to read his expression with his black sunglasses on but he was certainly frowning.

"No, I've never watched her." He said shortly and I felt a little stab in the gut for asking him a question that of course would make him upset.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

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