Continuing adventure

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The next day Rose woke up early and went to her parents room to inform them about her leaving. Her father, mother and brother all are present in the room like anticipating her arrival.

"Lil'sis, you are leaving so soon?" Seeing her brother sad face, Rose also felt reluctant to leave but she had to leave and get stronger. "Brother it's not like I won't be back. I will definitely come back once in every two months."

Even though they know she can create money using her creation magic, her family gave her so much money that can help a middle class family live happily for 20 to 30 years. Not given the chance to refuse, Rose accepted it mumbling.

She already has so much money which she got when she found sia. That much money can rival even royal families. After saying her farewell to her family, Rose went to the Royal palace to meet Amelia. Since she has a pass to the palace,she can enter the palace anytime she want.

Amelia was beyond happy seeing Rose again next day. But when she heard that Rose is leaving and can't visit her for sometime, her mood become depressed. The princes were busy in training and didn't know of her arrival but the king and queen came to Amelia's room to see why Rose was here so early that too came alone.

"Rose,why did you came alone and not inform aunt about your visit? You are still a child and you should bring your parents when you went out." Rose didn't took the queen's words seriously but was happy hearing the concern in her voice.

"Aunt, Uncle, it's just that I'm leaving the kingdom for sometime and want to tell Amelia that I won't be able to meet her for sometime." They were surprised hearing the news but didn't ask her where and why she's leaving.

"I won't ask much about it but be careful and don't trust others easily." The King's voice was gentle talking to her. He liked this daughter of his friend very much but it's bad that she didn't want to get engaged to the prince.

Rose didn't want to waste her time and left immediately after bidding farewell. Rose changed herself into Silver and teleported to the adventurer guild. "Hey old man, I completed the quest. Where is the reward you promised?"

Guild master Aron who was sleeping while sitting on a chair woke up abruptly hearing her voice. "You lil'brat, can't you see that I'm sleeping? Why are you shouting like that?" Rose ignored his words and repeated the same words 'my reward'.

He took out several boxes of cookies and sweets from his space ring and placed them on the table. "Take them and get out. Don't disturb my sleep." He closed his eyes again to sleep. When Rose stepped forward to take a box,all of them vanished before her eyes.

Rose turned her head to see Zane standing beside her. "You already ate so much sweets these two days. There's no need for more." Rose glared at him like she wanted to tear him into pieces. 'My sweets... they are gone....'

Ryan was also standing there looking at the scene before him controlling his laughter. His face was already red containing the laughter and when Rose saw that,she turned to leave the room saying "Go on".

Hearing those words he can't stop himself anymore and started laughing until his stomach hurts. Zane and Ryan also left the room following her. After they left the guild, Zane turned to Rose "which kingdom you want to go first?"

"Let me think..."

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