First visit to Vampire kingdom(2)

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Rose slowly got down from the bed and pushed Eryk out of the room and closed the door saying 'just wait here for a minute'. Then she quickly changed her attire into a formal one and fixed her lightly messed up hair.

Then she opened the door and saw Eryk leaning on the wall. When Eryk saw her coming, he led her towards the library. Remembering her anger before, he tried to imagine what will happen if Rose saw guild master Aron. Contradict to his expectation, nothing happened.

She just calmly greeted him and is taking too him like she always does. 'what's happening? Why is she acting so calm? Is this the calm before the storm?' Eryk's imagination is running wild. "So, what is that important 'something' you want to talk to me about?"

"I want you to accept a quest. It's not from the guild but a personal one from me." Rose raised an eyebrow in interest. Seeing this,he also continued. "A pair of silver dragons are sighted in the forest Mikill. From what we know of silver dragons,they will travel in pair only one of the dragon is laying an egg."

Rose was shaken on the inside hearing that a silver dragon appeared but maintained calm on the surface. "Now this matter is known to everyone and I think you can guess what will be happening. As for the quest, I want you to save them and if possible escort those dragons to a safe place."

Seeing that he didn't lose his sanity for benefits,her anger somewhat subsided but not completely. " This quest, I will accept it. Is there anything else?" The guild master shook his head indicating there's nothing else to speak.

"But I have something to say. Guild master Aron, let's play a game." Her lips slowly curved into a smile which is not a smile. Suddenly the guild master started sweating completely and is trembling. Eryk can only see this and didn't know what's happening with the guild master.

After five minutes, the guild master's expression turned normal and he slumped into his chair. The guild master felt dizzy and his body aching and twitching from pain. "I told you before not to blabber about me. I hate it when someone inquires about me or gave my personal information to others without my permission."

The state the guild master ended up fully satiated her anger. " It will take at least an hour before your body condition returns normal. Have a good rest." Then she stood up and waved to Eryk with a smile before exiting the room.

Eryk only knows something happened but don't know what. He turned to the guild master in question. "What did she just do?" The guild master also didn't want to explain and just said 'a mind game'. He leaned on to the table before him and immediately fell asleep as exhaustion overtook his body. He only has a single thought running through his mind now.

'Never annoy this little devil again if you wish to live'. From this whole scenario, Eryk can guess that she used her illusion magic. He took a last look at the guild master's state and exited the room after saying to himself it's better not to anger her.

Rose who easily forgot about the previous incident went to her room and called Zane and Ryan out. "Zane,you directly go to the Mikill forest and find those silver dragons before others. Ryan, inform Brenton about this and leave to the forest along with him. Tell me if anything went wrong and I will immediately teleport to your location."

Ryan and Zane receiving the orders quickly left the palace without any disturbance. Nessa also wants to go with them but Rose didn't allow her saying both of them will be enough.

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