[4] Ins and Outs

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"So what were y'all doing in the bathroom together?" Nicci smirked.

They were crawling in the vent now, it triggered some kind of claustrophobia, but it was manageable. Kinda. Ki and Roddy had cleaned up to leave no suspicion, not just to Nicci and DaBaby, but they already seemed to be onto them.

"We were just looking for... the symbol?" Roddy said, unsure of his own words.

"Right! Y'all were totally fuckin'. Ki I know you - bad gal." Nicci laughed hard.

Ki was slightly embarrassed, when they heard a loud slap sound.

"Ow, DaBaby! The fuck?" Nicci screamed.

"Don't think shit is easy on you. You bout to have a hard time, girl." He chuckled.

Ki laughed, followed by Roddy.

"Nigga you ain't like that on a daily? Or you wanna blame it on the Hennessey?" Roddy chuckled and Ki scratched at his foot laughing.

"Fuck you," Baby giggled in response.


They approached an exit, and the room they could see through the holes in the vent cover was completely empty, well, apart from the black portal that covered almost the whole room. DaBaby pushed the vent cover down, and it fell into the portal right below it.

"Who's going in first?"

Everyone's eyes turned to Ki.

"What?" she hissed. "The vent is too tight, dumbasses. DaBaby just go first."

"He rolled his eyes and jumped in, then he disappeared."

"Nicci, you're up." Ki said.

Nicci did the same and disappeared as well.

"So it's just you and me," Roddy chuckled."

"Bae, just-" she cut herself off.

"You said?" he questioned her.

"I didn't say shit, Roddy!" Ki said embarrassed.

"What did yo ass say befoe?"

"I said 'bae',"

"See, it ain't that hard."

"Say what you want, Roddy. Just go in."

He did and there was a silence. Ki took a deep breath in, then exhaled.

"Don't worry," she told herself. "This will all be over soon."

She jumped in.


She found herself in a house, not hers or any that she knew now. It was strange, because the more she walked around, the more she realized that the place was somewhat familiar.

"Uh, hello?" She asked.

"Roddy? DaBaby? Nicci?"

"Who's there?" A male voice replied, though it wasn't clear who yet.

"Uh, its me, Ki?"

"Ki?" There were a pair of feet coming down the stairs.

"Rod-" she was cut off when she saw his face.

"Daniel?" she stepped back.

"So you came back. Just as you said you wouldn't." he half-whispered.

"No, I-"

"After three fuckin' years you still haven't moved yo ass on?" Daniel yelled.

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