[8] High School

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Once through the portal they all find themselves in a classroom full of other students on separate desks, apart from themselves. Ki looked around the room, and on one side of her it was Roddy smiling at her, and DaBaby and Nicci sat in the row behind them.

"Keilantra, question 14?" The teacher she didn't even know back asked.

Ki looked down to see a sheets of paper laying on the desk with questions on it, but the space to write answers were empty. She looked back up at the teacher slightly embarrassed as her temperature rose.

"Uh... I wrote..."

She looked down at the question but she didn't understand it. She slowly turned her head to Roddy a little, but he just mouthed Ion know shrugging.

"Keilantra, we are waiting on your answer." The teacher said expectantly. There were a few giggles here and there.

When the teacher looked down to write something, someone threw a scrunched piece of paper at Ki and she scoffed looking behind her, then rolled her eyes. She opened up the paper and something was written in it. 'Pussy' in messy handwriting. She threw it away.

"Keilantra, do not waste time!" The teacher narrowed her eyes at her, when she looked up again.

"Miss, I... don't know?"

The teacher came over to Ki, and her eyes widened with anticipation of what she would say next.


This teacher was strange. She never yelled, shouted, she sounded the same all the time and her serious tone was what made her so terrifying.


They were walking as a group and Ki's head was down and she was kinda pissed that she got unlucky like that.

"Ki, girl, you good?" Nicci asked giving her a side hug.


"Don't sound like it." Baby said. "What's up?"

"It's prolly the detention. Or the humiliation." Roddy chuckled.

"Nigga, it ain't funny!" Ki pushed Roddy by the shoulder groaning.

"Nah, shawty, it looks like you'll be the one finding that triangle."

"It can't be in detention. What about y'all?" Ki asked, then smiled. "Unless y'all get in trouble too..."

"Fuck, yes." DaBaby said, smirking and they all looked at him.

"What?" He chuckled.

"Someone didn't have enough fun back in high school." Nicci nudged him.


"Y'all go on, Imma check something," Ki said looking down at her locker key with a tag attached that said 673.

"Aight," Roddy said, nodding and they continued to walk while Ki stopped at the matching locker.

She was about to unlock the door but someone tapped her shoulder. "Roddy, I thought you-"

"I finna give yo ass a nickname."

It wasn't Roddy, that was for sure. It was some black nigga, with dark eyes and a smirk. You could almost see the devil in him.

"Who the fuck are you?" Ki asked, rolling her eyes, with her hands on her hips.

"Nah, bitch. Who are you? Yo pussy ass." He giggled. "I don't know where yo ass from, but I finna send it right back where it came from."

"Get the fuck out my face." Ki growled.

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