[11] Sacrifices

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They had just entered another portal that appeared after Ki touched the crystal. They were still in the dark but no longer in the hotel.

An old, familiar voice echoed.

"Thank you." The old woman Nicci and DaBaby spoke to emerged from nothingness.

"Take yo... Uh?" DaBaby took the crystal from Ki's hand and handed it to the woman.

"You have brought life back to these-"

"Okay nigga, get to the point!"

There was an awkward silence and everyone stared at Roddy, making him feel uncomfortable. He gave an awkward smile.

The old woman sighed. "As you wish. But there is one thing I must tell you before I let you go."

"What is it?"

"I should have told you two earlier," she looked at Nicci and Baby.

"You will not remember any of this."

"Excuse me... WHAT?" Nicci stared at the old woman as if she had seen a ghost.

"I'm afraid you will lose your memory and wherever you were before you all met is where you will be."

"So, Roddy, we won't remember us?" Ki looked at him longing, feeling like she was going to lose him.

"I... I don't think I'll remember you." He said, but he failed to look at her.

"No... Are you being serious?" Nicci looked at the woman, then to DaBaby.

"Just to be clear, you two young men will remember each other from before, and same goes to you two young ladies." She sighed. "However, the relationships you have built will no longer exist."

"Is there another way? There has to be another way!" Ki said, walking up to the old woman.

"There's only one way... But I can see from the lives you were living before all this-"

"Please just tell us..." Ki begged, eyes glossy as she tried to hold back tears.

"You stay here."

"Shit..." DaBaby muttered. "We can't stay here longer..."

"Then this is it. You go and forget everything." She said, emotionless. Ki could no longer hold back her tears and she ran into Roddy's arms before sobbing on his shoulder.

"I can't lose you!" She managed between sobs.

"I love you, Ki. Please don't cry because of me." Roddy rubbed her back to calm her down a bit but he also felt like crying because the thought killed him.

"Baby, I don't even know what to say..." Nicci began shed tears and the longer she looked at him the more emotional she felt.

"I can't believe this is how it ends. Its just like... A dream." DaBaby hugged Nicci tightly.

"I don't care, I know we'll find each other again. I love you."

"I am incredibly sorry to interrupt you, but are you ready to leave?"

"No... Wait," Ki wiped her eyes dry. "I have a few questions."

"Yeah, me too." Nicci nodded, trying to fix herself up.

"Go on."

"What do these runes mean?" Ki looked at Nicci and she handed her the safely keep piece of paper that had an accurate drawing of the runes they had been seeing.

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