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Name: Skye Nimbus
Nickname: None
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Hair Colour: Brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Nationality: Komora
Love Interests: Midas, Brutus
Species: Human
Family: Croc Nimbus (Father), Josephine Nimbus (Mother), Ollie Floof (Carer), Midas Karat (Carer)
Squad: Subterfuge
Division: Ghost
Likes: Adventuring, Video Games, Muffins
Dislikes: Boredom, Shadow, Boring People


Skye, from the fallen civilization of Komora, is a cheerful girl who makes friends with almost everyone she meets.
Her parents died when she was 3, but she seems to have no memory of it. However, she seems to to telling her friends about it so she might have some secrets that include Komora and Ollie. Afterwards, she fell into the care of Midas as an orphan, before falling into the care of Ollie when she was 11. She still lives with Ollie for support when she feels down, and he is apparently a very comfortable hat.
Skye has feelings for Brutus, and although she doesn't want to admit it, Midas too. Her main friend group consists of herself, Ollie, Brutus and TnTina, but she is also friends with other people. Her main weapons are a Mythic AR and a Grappler for mobility, when boats don't do the job. She also has a blue sword, which is questionable how she got it.
Skye's hobbies include gaming and adventuring, so she isn't afraid to do missions throughout the island. She joined Ghost when she was 15, and has since completed several missions as a resourceful agent.
Her appearance consists of Ollie, who is Skye's makeshift beanie. She has a yellow shirt with the Ghost logo on it, with a blue denim jacket and a red jumper tied around her waist. She has black shorts with black leggings beneath them and brown boots. She always seems to have her camera with her for unknown reasons.

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