Chapter 3 Is that blood?

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Today's the party day. Taeyong and I dress up nicely to celebrate Scarlet's 7th birthday. Only Mark comes along with us, for he is Johnny's best friend too and that makes it easier for Taeyong to defend me. Usually on special occasions like this it is hard to bring one more member just to act as my body guard. Things were never peaceful. Taeyong is always alert, for everywhere he goes, danger lures behind.

"Okay (y/n).. you know the drill. If anything bad happens. Go look for me or Mark. And do what you are told to do." Taeyong reinforces his safety rules while parking his car.

I nod and grab the big present we bought yesterday. In my bright yellow dress, Taeyong proudly holds my hand and ushers me to the big garden party. Mark does not come with us, he comes later than us to prevent any attention. Remember how SuperM members are never identified? They are shadows and they must keep it that way.

Scarlet and Johnny look happy. Both of them are welcoming guests warmly and cordially. Her mother is busy escorting the other mothers. I let go off dad's grip and run to the groups of children seated at a round table.

The party starts with a greeting and followed by candle blowing ceremony and cake cutting procession. Then there is a photo group and lunch is served.

I feel Taeyong's glances at me from moment to moment. He is always alert even at times like this. Moreover moment like this, must he and Mark stay extra alert! Danger comes by the second we lost our attention.

On the other table, Mark sits with Johnny Taeyong and other friends. Each of them sharing different stories and reminiscing the old young days. Mark knows the protocol, and that's why he also momentarily runs his eyes to my table.

Just as the party starts to heat up and games are played. A sudden gun shot was heard. The whole people scream and crouch down in panic. I hear my friends crying on the same table. I quickly go down, hide under the chair and feel a pull on my hand. I hate gunshots. Like no one can like them right? Except Taemin. I squint my eyes when I hear more perilous shots. Between my eyes I see every people running in chaos looking for their child and lucky me. I am already dragged away by Mark. I turn my head to look for my dad, and I saw him pulling his gun out to perfectly aim for the man in black's arm. Just enough to interfere his goal to shot someone. Unlucky me as I force my shaking legs to run with Mark, I feel a sudden pain on my right shoulder.

Taeyong curses when he follows the direction of the gun. He quickly shoots another bullet to his leg and kicks the fire arm far from the man. Taeyong unloads the man's gun and before the man can knock Taeyong down, he runs to check on his daughter. He is surprised with the fact that the gun is filled with rubber bullets. It still hurts though if you got hit by one.

"Aaaah!" I scream and Mark without another word, picks me up and along with the crowd, we rush to leave the attacked place. He glance to see no blood but a great red rash. "Shit. It's rubber." I am surprised and shocked by the pain. I can't speak any words. My head spins and my eyes no longer focus. I lost my conscious and hang into Mark.

Taeyong quickly takes his car and picks me and Mark up over the cross road. To say he is worried is an understatement. Taeyong is going to find that man and finish him. Mark jumps into the car and without much words, he quickly grab the first aid kit.

"it's a rubber bullet. Pretty sure was from 30 meters. It'll leave a wound and limping. Lucky it's far... it's not that bad." Mark tries to sound positive. Though he knows Taeyong hates seeing scars or bruise on (y/n).

It's not bad for Mark the red bruise is not that bad. If she got shot closer it will be bad, but since it's from 30 meters they even wonder how it can still hit her.

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