Chapter 9 I Am Tired of Living in Lies

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to my dearest @cold_vixx and @casrvu , I present you Chapter 9! 

Thank you for waiting and I am grateful for your supports that I can make this chapter here! 
Let's go 

Chapter 9

"Tell me once again," you pleaded in a mocking tone to the man sharing the dining table with you. His stiff body did not move as he calmly eat another mouthful of hot toast.
You've returned home from the perilous kidnap journey. One week has passed by since your first meeting with the doctors. You were brought to the specialist once you woke up from your deep sleep, they checked on your vitals, bones and muscles conditions, and your mental state.
Every Thursday a psychiatrist was called to ask you questions about what happened that day, this happened because you refused to tell the group what happened. So SuperM could only imagine what had happened only from your physical state.
You never tell them the chronological order of the incident, moreover, no one knows you've learnt the dark secret of your mother's death.
Not until this early morning. Two years after the incident, you're nine and no longer the weak child you were.
You only see Baekhyun seated alone with a newspaper on his hand.
"Morning little one," Baekhyun glanced from the paper and put it down once you're seated.
You gave him a small smile and he cocked his head, "Why?"
You looked around the room, "Dad is not here right?"
"No, he's away with the others to look at the new office. What can I help you with? We need to practice on your defense skill after this." Baekhyun grabbed his cutleries and began cutting his hot toast the maid just served.
"Don't tell anyone, but I don't want to meet the psychiatrist anymore!"
"I said it clear and loud. I don't want to meet that Doctor Kyungsoo anymore! He's torturing me for two years Baek, I've had enough." You gulped your orange juice angrily.
"Why are you telling me this now? Why not earlier?" His voice was still unamused.
"Because I was not ready yet to tell you. Now I am fed up and I will choose to spill the story to you rather than spilling it to a total stranger."
Baekhyun smacked his lips, "Nice decision,even better if you did this earlier."
You closed your eyes and took the bread knife in your hand, "I might change my mind and not tell you anything plus refuse to talk at all to Kyungsoo."
"Huh you weren't even saying anything other than yes and no to him for the past two years!"
You looked crossed at Baekhyun, why was he annoying today.
"I knew the story of mother's death." You pulled the grenade pin with that statement, and watched Baekhyun's eyes shot open.
Bulls eyes, he no longer find this as a silly joking talk.
You pulled the grenade pin already and now it's time to throw it.
"Now tell me the truth, I will decide if what I heard was a hoax or not."
"No. You knew nothing. We never tell you anything." Baekhyun's teasing voice turned into a serious one and his face showed he was not joking at all.
"Tell me Baekhyun, I am nine. I should know the truth."
"No. We promised not to tell you anything." Baekhyun gritted his teeth, you were pulling his nerves. He was actually excited today to teach you poisons and chemicals, but now you annoyed him.
"But I've heard of the story, why bother hiding it again." you spun the fork on your hand. "Tell me the story!"
"I am not telling you anything. Finish your food and we will train after this."
"I hate this! I want to go back to school. Father must hate me so much that he locked me here now!" you slammed your free hand to the table.
"Act however you want. You're like five years old throwing tantrums." Baekhyun calmly continued his breakfast.
"Tell me once again." you pleaded in a mocking tone to Baekhyun and as he took in another bite, your hand almost threw the fork into him.
"Stop at once Lee (y/n)!" you froze on your chair and shiver ran all over your body.
You felt a piercing stare from your father and he radiated a bad energy. You felt your body paralyzed, the fork dropped with a loud thud and you forced to swallow the lump in your throat. You shot your head down and waited for the next words. You closed your eyes when you knew you did something so bad and you will
"(Y/n), my office now." Taeyong firmly turned his body around and left with his straight face.
"I am sorry," Baekhyun quickly shot you an apologetic smile because he knew if he had just spill the story, you might not opt to throw a fork at him. Though Baekhyun was also surprised you wanted to throw him a fork.
You shot Baekhyun a pleading look, asking for a help, but when Ten came into the room with another poker face to call you, you can only hung your head down.
"(Y/n), Taeyong is waiting and he called me to bring you there." Ten waited for you on the room of the dining hall.
"Whew I make my own grave." you tried to lighten up the mood and chuckled, but Baekhyun really looked worried at you. You want to cry at the sight of Baekhyun, he was at first teasing you with a good breakfast then you changed the mood and now he felt bad for troubling you, though you were the one troubling yourself. Baekhyun felt like he was also responsible.
"Okay Ten, I will go." you finished your glass of water and ascended from your chair.
"I hope to see you this afternoon Baekhyun, in our poison class." you nodded your head and followed Ten to leave the room.
"Ten, will I be in a great trouble?" you tried to coax Ten to slack, but he was not slacking at all.
Instead when you both reached the office, he only patted your shoulder and knocked on the door.
You straightened your back and opened the door. Ten only flashed you a reassuring smile and then after you entered the big room, you felt so helpless.
Your father was there on his presidential chair, hand on his head.
"I am here father,"
"Take a seat and explain whenever you're ready. I won't be mad."
"I'm sorry dad," you apologized first thing first. You knew too well this won't end good, you earned yourself a detention. Taeyong did not only take you away from school, but he made you study at home from tutors and some help of the brothers also he made you trained basic shooting and combat. If any mother saw you right now, wearing tight pants instead of skirts running through a drill of routines and jabbing punches to sandbags, Taeyong will definitely be stamped as the "inhumane" father. However here you are, two years of home schooling and martial art practices. Baekhyun is a black belt in Hapkido, Ten is the best close combat fighter, Taemin has taught you how to assemble a gun and aim a target. You're no longer a harmless juvenile. You're deadly.

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