Chapter 2

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Freya's dreams were strange and confusing. In one she saw herself in a completely dark room, she didn't even felt ground under her feet. It was like she was floating. Thousands of voices echoed through this "room". They said different things, all at once, so Freya just heard a few words. "Death", "pain", "trust". They all didn't sound quite nice to her.

Suddenly all of the voices screamed, so loud Freya thought her eardrum will break. It was awful. They all had pain in their screams. It caused all the suppressed feelings of the last ten years to come up inside Freya and made her feel fear, desperation, helplessness, and pain. She was close to tears and screamed together with the voices.

Suddenly they disappeared and the dream changed.

Freya saw a city, flying in the air. All of a sudden, it exploded, in a huge black fire. She watched in shock, her mouth wide open, dry tears on her face. Then the dream changed one last time.

In this dream, Freya saw images, all just visible for a split second. Many went to fast to see enough. In one, she saw something like an arm made out of metal, with a star at the top. In another, she saw a flash of blue light, like a lightning bolt, just on the ground. Another picture showed a yellow stone, floating in the universe. Everything was confusing and she didn't know, what these dreams wanted to tell her.

Freya woke up with a start and looked around. She was in one of the hospital rooms in the Red Room Academy. She tried to stand up, but felt a little dizzy, so she supported herself on the bed frame. A few deep breaths later she stood up and saw a few of her clothes on the chair in the corner. She changed into them, but while putting on her shirt she saw a new, long scar on the lower part of your stomach.

Freya sighed. She had known that it would come this way, but seeing this scar made her realize that she could never have a family. A life like everyone else. She closed her eyes and put her clothes on.

Freya opened the door and looked left and right down the hallway. It was empty. She took the way to Madam B.'s office, right, then left, left again, and then right. When Freya arrived, Madam B. was sitting exactly like the day before.

"Good morning, Miss Maximoff", she greeted her.

"Good morning, Madam", Freya replied.

"I see you got over the operation pretty well. That's good. Doctor Strucker will arrive in fifteen minutes. Here" - she handed Freya a simple black sports bag -"You can put your clothes in here. I want you down here in ten minutes."

Freya did as she was told and rushed out of the room.

After exactly nine minutes Freya stood outside of the Academy, in her sports bag the few clothes that she owned. She also asked one of the instructors if she could take her two favorite swords with her and after a bit of convincing she agreed.

Suddenly Freya heard a voice behind her.
"Goodbye, Miss Maximoff."

Freya didn't hear Madam B. coming, but she also didn't give her a scare. In the Red Room, she was trained to not be scared and most importantly, not show it.

"Goodbye, Madam", she said as she turned around. "It's been an honor to be trained by you."

Madam B. slightly nodded and Freya turned around and got into the car.

On the whole ride, Freya was very nervous. She has rarely been out of the Academy, usually just for stamina training on the grounds.

While Freya was in the car, she and the driver did not speak a word. Not that it bothered her. Like that, she had time to think.

She thought about what tests Strucker wanted to do on her. Madam B. also said something about experiments. What kind of experiments? Does he want to change her? Freya didn't want to be changed. She liked herself the way she has been taught in the Red Room.

While staring out of the window she thought about what will happen to her. And if she could go after the experiments were done. She could do whatever she wanted. She'd be free...

Ten minutes later the car drove into what seemed like an old warehouse. It didn't look quite trustworthy to Freya. The moment the car stopped, she opened the door and got out.
She was inside a giant underground parking lot, but the car she arrived with was the only one there.

Freya followed the driver through the building. It was much larger from the inside than it looked from the outside. The driver stopped in front of a massive metal door. He entered a code and the door opened.

It lead to a kind of laboratory. Many people in white rushed around in the room, but when Freya entered they all fell silent and looked at her. She didn't like attention but she straightened and tried to look self-confident.
While Freya still followed the driver through the room, the people turned around to each other, whispering into one another's ears and pointing at Freya. She felt very uncomfortable, but tried to ignore it and just kept walking.
The driver lead her to a man, maybe mid-forties, who seemed to be the leader there. That must be Strucker, Freya thought.

"Ah, you must be Freya Maximoff", he said. "Yes, Madam B. told me all about you."

He held out his hand to Freya and she shook it.
"It's an honor to be here, Sir", she said.

Strucker looked around. "Well, I guess we get start immediately. If you could please take off your jacket and sit down here."

He pointed to a chair to his right. Freya did as she was told, and when she sat, a doctor came in, with a long case in his hands.

"This will probably hurt, but I suppose you should handle that."

Freya swallowed her fear and asked: "What will happen to me after this experiment?"

"We don't know, actually", Strucker said and shrugged. "This is the first time we are trying this kind of experiment. If you survive, it will probably improve your abilities, strength, stamina, and if we are lucky you will also get some special powers."

Freya tried to process what she just heard and asked:" What do you mean 'if I survive?'"

"Don't worry", Strucker said and smiled. "You seem like a person with a very strong mind. You will handle that."

Before Freya could ask any more questions, he opened the case and took out a long scepter with a blue gemstone at the top.

"What-", she started, but one doctor already pushed her back in the chair and tied her up. She saw Strucker's mouth moving, but didn't hear the words he said through the ringing in her head. She tried to wriggle out of the chair, but it was hopeless.

Freya saw Strucker's face right in front of hers and heard him say: "Don't move. It'll just make everything worse."

The next moment the scepter, attached to wires and computers, pointed to her head.

The pain was worse than anything Freya had ever felt before. It felt like every single cell in her body exploded, like the city in her dream. She screamed and her screams followed her in her unconsciousness.


That was the second chapter, hope you liked it :)

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