Part 4 Surprised

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(A/n; people are actually reading my stuff and it's kinda scary but TYSM!!❤️❤️)

= time skip to the next week Friday (cuz I'm lazy)

Third person POV~

It was Friday, a week after Noya and Tanaka hung out with Hinata, and practice was just starting. Hinata had most of the week off so that he could get used to his wings, he found out that it's not as rare as he thought and that there were actually shops where people could get modified clothing instead of having to modify their clothes themself. He also found it was really tiring to keep his wings concealed all the time so he modified his uniform as well. When he got to school on Thursday he got lots of weird looks but he found out there where a couple other people that had wings in the school too. They where his upperclassmen so he didn't see them much so that's probably why he thought he was the only one. During setting up for practice he was asked to go get the net from the store room. (is that what they call it?) He walked into the store room and looked on the shelf. He didn't see it on the lower shelves so he moved back a couple steps. Hinata didn't notice the other team members where secretly watching him to see what he would do to get it off the top shelf. They where still doing their jobs but every time they would walk past the store room they would look inside to see what he was doing. Eventually Hinata came out of the store room but he wasn't holding the net. "Hey Stingyshima," Hinata said, " can you help me get the net out." Everyone stoped what they were doing to look at Tsukishima he looked up from what he was doing to Hinata. He smirked and walked up to the shorter boy. "What? Are you too short?" He was still smirking at Hinata when something no one expected, Hinata ran around to behind Tsukishima and jumped on his back. He put Tsukishima into a choke hold and made him get on his knees. Once he did Hinata let go of him and walked to be in front of the blonde. Hinata put his hands on his hips and said, "Fine, I'll ask someone else. Shorty." And proceeded to walk over to Asahi and ask for help like nothing happened. Of course Asahi was scared shitless but he help him get it down. Hinata had heard from Tanaka that there were a couple people in the team who had a crush on the little ball of orange fluff (who wouldn't?) so when Asahi leaned down to give Hinata the net, Hinata grabbed Asahi's arm and pulled him down more so that he could give him a kiss on the cheek. Everyone was shocked to say the least, but Hinata didn't care. He thanked Asahi and took the net over to the court to start setting up. Everyone in the team was shocked some had slightly mad expressions. Although Hinata was really dumb he s very good at remembering details about a person. He looked around as he set up the net for who was mad so he could get an idea of who had crushes on him and who didn't. He analysed everyone very quickly and started stretching. Everyone eventually joined him but where slightly keeping their distance.

They continued practice like normal but it was a lot different with Hinata's wings. He sometimes bumped into people  accidentally.  His wings were big and he wasn't used to using them during practices with lots of people around. He tried his best to  not to be a nuisance to everyone but every time he accidentally hit someone or accidentally hit them that everyone would say it was fine and that he just need to get used to it.  He was enjoying it though, there was a couple of times where Kageyama got mad at him and he hit the raven haired boy in the face with one of his wings, the team thought it was also very funny. Tsukishima was acting really protective of Hinata and all of the team members including the orangette noticed. They were all having lots of fun but Daichi decided that they would and practice early and get meat buns from coach Ukai's store. As they were walking Daichi spoke up, "Everyone! I need you guys to listen to me, while we are eating I have an announcement to make!" He turned back to Suga and thanked him for reminding him to tell the others the surprise. 

They got to the store and Daichi bought meat buns for everyone. They all waited for the captain to say something. He clapped his hands to make sure everyone was listening. He waited a couple seconds before starting to talk, "Alright everyone! I have a big surprise for all of you." Everyone looked at him, confused. He continued, " Takeda-sensei got us a spot in a 2 month training camp with some of the best schools." They all started jumping around and yelling. They were all so excited, one person asked Daichi a question. "What schools are going to be there?" He looked at his phone for a second to see who was written down. He looked back up to see the whole team waiting for his answer. "Well," he said, "it says here ther there will be, Nekoma, Fukurodani (idk how to spell it) , Seijo and Shiratorizawa." He looked at everyone's expression they were all socked they got to play with such good schools. 


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