I don't know why but I've been thinking about the past a lot recently... Back to the war between South Park and Canada because of the whole asses of fire thing.

We helped save the Canadians who were to be wrongfully slaughtered, we were only in third grade, la resistance it was called... makes me wonder what we'd be able to do now. I remember someone who called himself... 'ze mole'? I can't remember his last name but I do remember he got attacked by dogs.

Most of the other kids thought he died after that, but he was just being a dramatic little bitch. He was taken to the hospital shortly after that. He has to be homeschooled or go to some private school.. since there's only one public school in this quaint little mountain town.

I currently have Wendy attatched to my arm, we're not dating or anything, we've just remained good friends since the events of the war. Our political views were very much similar so we talked about that a lot. We also talked a lot about school, We both took AP classes in the high school but our schedules were different. We didn't even share lunch.

Don't get me wrong I have plenty of friends, just all of them except for Wendy are dull minded imbeciles.

"So do you support the movement that's going on right now?" Wendy asks me, looking up doe eyed at me. "The re-birth of the black lives matter movement." She really had a passion for controversial stuff like this. She lets go of my arm and scoots a couple inches away from me to make it easier for her to look at me.

I clear my throat a little before I answer her question. "In my opinion it's both wrong and right on both sides. I haven't decided if that cancels out the meaning of the whole thing or if one of the stances is more correct than the other... And by that I mean politically of course. But then again calling people 'black' isn't necessarily politically correct either. What it should be is 'African American Lives Matter' but that doesn't roll off the tongue quite as well does it?" She is used to me being as talkative as I am, so she has no reaction to how many words I am speaking.

"But my personal opinion... Not all cops are corrupt and the media is just telling us what it needs to to stir up more trouble. But racisim itself is still very much an issue and we shouldn't ignore it just because the media seems to want to pin the blame on cops when it is very few whom have those corrupted views and abuse their authority on the citizens, and even then it's not always even a race issue." I finish speaking my point of view, waiting for her to speak her own, but she doesn't

"Come on now Wendy, how do you feel about the issue?" I urge her.

Why is she pulling such a downcast face... It immediately went back to normal but it was rather sorrowful for a moment there. "We have different opinions on this one." Ah so that's why. "I think the black citizens of the United States need as much help as they can get. This movement is doing a lot for them and the protests only highlight the problem in the first place... which is police brutality. The black people are a minority and they need more help than anyone right now."

We debate for half an hour in a very friendly manner. No actual angry, unnecessary agruments. "Alright Gregory, it's getting late. I have to go home now." Wendy ended the conversation.

"If you must, I'll speak to you tomorrow. Nice night Wendy." I wave at her as she leaves.

"Good night Gregory." She smiles as she takes her leave.

I was just about to leave myself but I heard some noises under the ground. I stared until I saw the snow shifting and a boy popped out, surprising me.

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