It's been a week since I last saw who I still only remember as 'ze mole' last and now that I've seen him again I really can't get him out of my mind.

As the hole I've been watching snow fill up for the past few days suggests, he still lives to the title he gave himself. I've been holding onto that money he gave me because I really don't need it... I don't even really know why he gave it to me in the first place. I even added some more money out of my own savings as interest since he looks like he needs it.

I'm so glad the church is so close to the pond for once. Because I'd recognize that desirable, hoarse accent anywhere. Screaming about how he absolutely refuses to go because god's an asshole and he refuses to 'worship that bitch'.

Honestly I couldn't help but to chuckle a little bit. Was it his mother trying to make him do this, if so she should just accept his religious beliefs and let him be. He's obviously old enough to make his own choices, so why?

"Cristophe come back here!" I hear at the same time as footsteps speeding up from behind me. Ahh so that's his name. Thanks lady.

I hear huffing and puffing behind me, his cardio must need some work... I'd expect him to be better since he's always digging, or at least I assume he is. "Parfait." I can practically hear the smirk on his face. He jumps over the bench to join me in front of the hole he created in the ground. "Forgive me for zis." He didn't give me a chance to respond before he pulled at my jacket yanking me towards him and attached his lips to mine.

The woman's voice speaks from slightly behind us, it sounds like it's right behind the tree. Her voice was full with disappointment as she sighed "Christophe, vous n'êtes pas sérieux..." I hear her footsteps in the snow fade. (No I am not rushing things there are no feelings whatsoever in that.)

I get that he was using me to get his mom off his back, but there are just about a million other things he could've done here. He quickly and harshly pushed me away and dramatically spit on the ground. Yep, definitely Ze Mole.

"You kiss me and then push me away?" I tease with a straight face.

He rolled his eyes at me. "I didn't want to. I have a homophobic mother and she just leaves when she sees me doing things with men." He wiped his mouth with his sleeve.

I nodded, understandable. I'll help him out I guess.

"So why'd you need your mum to leave?" I was intrigued. I assume it had something to due with the church.

"Bitch was trying to make me go to church. I will not give that asshole God the satisfaction." He growled.


It helps that I was close enough and they were loud enough for me to hear.

I couldn't hold in my little bit of laughter. His hatred of God is almost comedic. He glared at me but said nothing. "Oh right," I remembered the money, pulling it out. "Here, I don't need it." I hand it over but he pushes my hand away.

"You helped me out, I must pay you." Christophe obviously had strong values, and I like that attribute.

"I really don't need it, you need this a lot more than I do. Just take it." I shoved the money into his pocket. Let us hope he doesn't count it.

He let out a sigh of defeat. We just sit there in silence, even after the church service was over, he just sat there, staring into the hole he dug.

I wanted to break the silence, but he seemed like he was thinking, I didn't want to interrupt him.

Eventually, there came a time where I had to leave. "Good day Christophe." I stand up and look at him.

"Don't call me zat." He spit.

"Well isn't that your name?" He laughed at my words.

"Gregory, you know I am ze mole, not 'Christophe'."

So he remembered me too, huh. "Okay, well good day mole..." I walked away from him and started towards my house.

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