The boy who popped out of the snow immediately went back in after he saw me. "Wait a minute!" I shout without really thinking.

He pops out enough just for me to see his aggravated eyes with his eyebrows furrowed with curiosity. "What?" He spoke with a french accent. His hair was a mess and he looked tired.

"May I ask what you are doing, I'm painfully curious." I ask crossing my legs on the bench.

He looked like he was itching to leave. "I'm on a mission but I miscalculated and dug out at the wrong spot." His accent was very attractive not going to lie... the rest of him however.. Maybe a bath and some sleep would make him look better.

"A mission?" I question, raising a brow. He holds up 10 hundred dollar bills... He must've been hired by the blacks.

"I was hired to get some info on an Eric Cartman." He rolled up the bills and lowered them back down. This kid must make bank doing stuff like this.

"You get all that just for sneaking around that kid's house?" I hum my question... A thousand dollars is nothing to me, but he looks poor, maybe he's trying to help out his parents or something.

"This is just the first quarter, they give me rest when I finish ze job." He probably shouldn't be sharing all this information with me.

"Why don't you come out for a moment?" I ask reaching my hand out to him. I can still only see the first half of his face so I assume he needed help out.

But no, he just climbs out on his own. "I could use a smoke break anyway." He smiled at me with chapped lips. He has dirt on him everywhere. Makes sense considering he just emerged from the ground.

He pulled out a pack of cigarettes. "How old are you exactly?" I asked as he pulled one out of the pack.

"18." He answered, he really sticks to the point and doesn't add any extra to his words huh.

"You go to school?" I ask as he takes a seat next to me, lighting the cigarette backwards.

He gags. "Aw fuck this.. Fuck you god!" He shouts at the sky after spitting the thing on the ground. He takes another one out. "I dropped out as soon as I could." He stuck his tongue out in disgust. Smoking the cigarette backwards is something people actually do... I guess he smokes the normal way. He lit it the correct way this time and offered one to me by extending the box in my direction.

I politely decline. "Oh no thank you I don't smoke." I hold my hands in front of me.

"Why are you being so friendly with me anyway y'goddamn brit?" He questioned as if we were in an interrogation room.

I fold my hands in front of me. "I'm just trying to make conversation." My ability to speak to people makes me a great leader and really good at making friends. "What kind of information do you need on Cartman? I may be able to help you." I offer my aid.

"It's confidential." He responded puffing out the cancer air he had inhaled. I wave the smoke out of my face.

"Come on now, I could make your job a whole lot easier. I have dirt on just about everyone." I confess. I don't gossip, I listen to other people gossip instead.

He thought for a moment. "Alright, can you tell me if he shows any intent to kill anyone?" I'm sure he kept that vague. What he was probably hired to find is if he wants to kill a specific person, but doesn't want me to know who. My bet's still on the Blacks.

"I know for a fact he has intent to kill Kyle Broflovski, and he's tried numerous times even." That was really all I knew about that aspect of him. Everyone knew about his hatred of Kyle. "That's all I know."

He took the money he previously showed me out of his pocket. "Here." He put the whole stack on the bench not giving me a second to respond before he disappeared back into the hole from whence he came.

1,000 dollars... Not even a fraction of my monthly allowance but very thoughtful of this stranger.

Now that I think about it this kid reminds me of that kid from the war that I've been thinking about quite a bit... if that's him I hope I run into him again, as I have many questions.

I keep the thousand bucks to give back to him next time we meet and head home.

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