Heartbreak Weather

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I hated New York. It wasn't the people and it also wasn't the city itself; the real problem was the overall atmosphere and the feeling of not belonging to anyone anywhere there. The city made you feel so lonely and especially on tour, this feeling of loneliness could easily get the best of yourself. I thought New York was hectic, full of business people and far too crowded for my own liking.

So when Hailee had asked me excitedly if I wanted to visit her in New York during a promo tour, I wasn't exactly as excited as she was but decided to ignore my disliking for the city in order to see Hailee again.

It had been two weeks since I had last seen her which is an awful lot for a fresh couple and I missed her like crazy. The days in San Francisco had been almost dream-like and I had enjoyed every single second of it but it had been just as hard to leave again. Leave her.

That's why I hadn't thought twice about travelling to New York, even though I prefered other US-american cities a whole lot more.

When I got out of the plane and into the Uber I had ordered, I already noticed once again what the disadvantages of being in New York were. The traffic was horrible and I was stuck for half an hour before finally crossing a main street. The heavy noise around the car and the people around it who practically all seemed as if the devil was after them didn't exactly help the situation. I sighed as I looked at my watch, realizing I was already ten minutes late.

But all these obstacles were totally worth it when I got out of the car, entered the lobby and someone immediately grabbed my hand and dragged me to a more or less covered part of the lobby, pressing their lips to mine.

"I thought you would never come", Hailee's eyebrows were raised but she giggled and kissed me again.

"New York is awful", I mumbled against her lips, kissing her a bit harder. I had missed this feeling so much as it had gotten familiar over those five days in San Francisco and had already become something I couldn't imagine my current life without.

"It's not", Hailee disagreed and disconnected our lips, caressing my cheeks with both of her hands, "and save that for later. You won't regret it."

I must've looked at her wide-eyed and probably a bit worked up because she simply laughed and winked at me. "Come on, I already had dinner in the restaurant of this hotel yesterday and it was amazing! You shouldn't miss out on that."

I groaned quietly but followed after her.


"So tell me, why do you hate New York so much?"

I was in the middle of enjoying chicken with pasta, so I swallowed and shrugged my shoulders.

"The city is so full of people but it always feels lonely here.", I tried to explain, "For example, you are here for a show and all that happens after playing at the venue is getting into a car, being stuck in traffic, being yelled at by people who push past you and not being able to sleep because of the noise from outside."

Hailee's glance was filled with genuine concern and a sweet softness which made me replay my words in my head as I had probably sounded quite negative.

"Which doesn't mean that I didn't want to come here! I am super excited to spend time with you here and I already anticipated-"

"I know that you didn't say that in order to offend me", my girlfriend smiled and placed her hand gently over mine over the table, "Can I show you something after lunch? Maybe it will change your mind."


I laced my fingers through Hailee's as we walked down a small road. Hailee had brought me a bit away from the city centre in order to escape from the noise, people and exhaust gases which I had complained about half of the car ride.

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