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"873 Westbrook Court." I said as I got into her car with the rain still drumming on the hood. She didn't respond. Danielle backed her car up and off the curb, the car jostling violently as we got all four whelks on the road again. She shifted the gear, putting it in drive and sped off.

We drove in silence most of the time, the occasional smack of her gum. I decided to break the silence. Pointing to the road converging on the right, I said, "You can turn here." I expected her to turn on her signal and pull to the right, but instead she passed it. I looked over at her. Her face remained
the same, she didn't talk. "You passed it."

"I know." Danielle shrugged.

I furrowed my brow. "Come again?"

"I'm not taking you straight home, hot shot."

I'm confused

"Wha- huh?" was all I managed to get out. She looked over at me with a lazy smile. Her smile was breathtaking, making my stomach knot. "Then where are you taking me?" I asked, now fully turned around in my seat to face her.

"Just a little detour."

I scoffed, not believing how random this was. "Way to be vague." I muttered.

"I try." she fluttered her eyelashes and gave me a sweet sarcastic smile. Even though her grin was fake as hell, the knot in my stomach tightened. But I guess every guy feels that way when Danielle's around. She's popular sure, but the kind who doesn't care who she talks to, if it risks her reputation or not. She does have this one group of friends that are known for their loud, bold style and impatient and snide attitude.

So basically, the kids your parents warn you not to hang around. They blew off school most of the week and partied all weekend. They smoke and drink and raged, but the thing that struck me the most was that even though they all were in the same social group with the similar impulse to show people that they were bolder and more at ease, they were all incredibly different when it came to their personalities and style. Danielle was honest and straightforward, and when people lashed out at her, she would just act like the grown up, listening to a child throw insults at her. I remember when Allison Raymer went berserk on her last year.

Now Allison Raymer was the bleach blonde cheerleader of any guys dream. Beautiful but slutty. Anyway Allison went on a rambling to our health teacher during class about how the Sex Ed class wasn't good enough at our school and was actually offensive to girls.

After 10 minutes of her speech Danielle butted in and saying "Weren't you the girl who caught chlamydia from Mr. Young? I'd assume you wouldn't need to be taught the dangers of sex since you've witnessed it first-hand." with a small smile.

I had never seen a girl more livid. Allison was insanely screeching insults at Danielle saying it wasn't her role to proclaim what wasn't any of Danielle's business. Allison was screaming a string of curse words together when Danielle rolled her eyes and held up her index finger at Allison. Allison's eyes darted to the finger then smacked it away with her fake claws and tired to keep rambling on.

And in retaliation, Danielle took a well aimed swing right into Allison's cheek.

It was badass.

Her friends were badass too. And although her friends came in all
shapes and sizes, they all were known for their recklessness .

Jack LeRoux was a mountain of muscle rumored to be an underground fighter. He had midnight hair, thick eyebrows, and brown eyes. All I know about Jack is that he came from an upperclass family, rarely spoke, and when he actually did was vague as fuck . Just last week he was arrested for drug possession. No one knows who gave him bail or how he got the money to but I'm guessing no one would be willing to poke around in Jack's "personal life."

AJ Santana was a Latino girl with long chocolate brown hair. She always wore the same brown leather jacket everyday and was known for her smart, blunt, and snide comments. AJ was always trying to embarrass someone, if it was pointing about Mrs. Stark's camel toe or walking up to Garret Mills during a test and making him spit out his gum into her hand because she claimed that his chewing sound like a cow trying to unstick caramel from its teeth. She was rude sometimes and funny another, but it all came back to her impulsive and impatient behavior.

"What are you thinking about?" she asks me. I didn't realize it but we were quiet for quite some time. She looked over at me for a second, eyebrows raised.

Caught off guard, I cleared my throat and shifted slightly in my seat. I let loose a nervous chuckle. "Just wondering if what you meant of a 'detour' is that you were going to take me to an abandoned road and kill me." I said awkwardly.

She grins. "Don't worry. I wouldn't do that. It'd be smarter to take you to the lake and drown you." she smiled at me, turning her head for a couple of seconds.

Again, the stomach knot thingy happened.

I let out a small chortle. I took my gaze off her and out the window. I couldn't help but think how nuts this was. Just yesterday if someone would've told me that Danielle Desman would pay the slightest bit of attention to me, I would've been giddy with joy.

But talking to her, she doesn't make you feel like she's the superior more popular being; just an equal. She's not stuck up or bitchy like the cheerleaders running around.

She's just human.

really awful and boring and short chapter but I promise it gets better.

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