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"What the hell is this place?" I asked nearly pressing my face against the glass of the car window to get a better look.

We had driven for a little more than twenty minutes and found ourselves in the cityscape. Danielle had driven up to a brick building with neon lights and people standing outside leaned against the sides talking or having a smoke.

Danielle turned off the engine and reached back into the backseat of the Jeep. "This place is the definition of fun, my friend." she said, still rummaging, probably looking for her phone or purse.

Her white, loose tank top lifted just high enough to see the beginning of a tattoo that disappeared under her black ripped jeans. It was small, smaller than the size of a credit card.

I forgot how closely I was examining it as she pulled up, and brought with her a pair of sleek, black high heels and a fucking pocket knife.

My eyes widened. "Not what I was . . . expecting." I said slowly, scooting closer and closer towards the car door.

Her eyes dart to me, a smile behind them. She waves the knife back and forth with a smirk before tucking it in the waistband of her jeans. "You never know what kinds of crazy people are in there. One time a guy got busted here for being a Swiss drug lord." she grins, as she reaches down under her seat and starts pulling off her boots.

"So the 'definition of fun' includes crazy people who are in a European drug ring." I inquire as I watch her slip on the heels.

Flipping her blonde hair over her shoulder, she reaches into the cup holder compartment separating us and pulls out a tube of lip gloss. "Well, in my opinion, the crazies are usually the most celebrated and smartest people." she says as she hastily applies lipgloss.


She throws the tube backwards into the seats behind us without even looking. She turns to me. "Loose the flannel then let's go." She smiles.

I swear that smile could make Kristen Stewart laugh.

I stutter for a second, absent-mindedly staring at her. "You- you want me to go in there . . . with you?" I drawl.

Her lips turn up as she pushes the door handle and kicks it with her heels to open it. "Well, not with that flannel."


"Hey Rupert." I heard Danielle said as I squeezed past the last couple of people while murmuring a quiet "sorry."


Holy mother of fuck.

"Hey Dani." a guy the size of a sumo wrestler with a bald head and tattoos the size of my head plastered up and down his arms greeted her. He stood at the entrance of the club wearing all black and had an emotionless face. I assumed he was a bouncer since he had a menacing look with an equally terrifying voice to match.

As I finally caught up with Danielle, who everyone parted for like she was Moses, she smiled sweetly at Rupert. "Any chance you'd let me and my friend in?" she grinned, her infectious spirit making the mountain of terror smile as well.

"Go." was all he said as Danielle bounced on her feet and took off into the doorway filled with blaring music and strobe lights. I was about to follow her but a late meaty hand stopped me. "Not you."


My heart rate picked up a little as I weakly called for the only backup I knew. "Dan- um. Danielle?"

She popped her blonde head in front he doorway. "Hm?" I gestured towards Rupert who was still holding me. Her eyes darted between us. "What do you want me to do? The first time I got in I had I flash him my boobs."

I looked up at Rupert, who shrugged.

I looked back at Danielle. "Well since I don't have any of those, what the hell am I suppose to do?"

She shrugged too. "Flash him?"

I rolled my eyes. "I don't think he'd enjoy that."

"Actually," said Rupert, "I'm bi, so." he trailed.

Oh god.

Danielle's eye widened and so did mine. She put her hand on top of her mouth to stifle a laugh. She cleared her throat a little too. "Are you not picking up what he's putting down, Ian?" she said trough giggles

I looked back up at the bouncer with a groan who winked down at me.


"Fine." I said as Rupert took his hand off of me. I look back at Danielle who was about to burst out laughing and held up a thumbs up. I groaned. Why? I reached for my belt, undid the loop and pulled my pants down with it. This is sufficiently awkward as a bisexual bouncer, a girl I've know for three hours and the rest of the people waiting outside took in the sight in front of them.

"I'm- I'm more of a grower than a shower . . . so." I mumbled.

The invisible damn that held back Danielle's laughter broke. Her crazy cackles filled the air and was louder than the music playing in the club. Rupert dismissed me with a small smirk and a pat on the butt. I had to push Danielle inside the club as we made our way in.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2015 ⏰

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