Authors Note: It's kinda gross in the last paragraph and sorry, this story is lazy :P.
I turn my face from the window.
"Mo—" I cough suddenly, the nasty smell was so bad, I had to stick my head back out.
"What is it?" My mom asked.
"Why did it get worse?"
"I don't know. Daddy is going to find out okay, darling?"
Her voice sounded muffled, like she was covering her mouth. I was so bored! "Mom can I see Taluie now?"
---------------------"Honey," My dad was waving my mom over, "I think we found Chess..."
"Chess?!" I pipe up, Running over to the spot. It had been hours later and the smell had finally cleared up enough for it to not be as bad. But the instant I get near where my dad was, I cringe away.
"Oh...God..." Mother says.
I peak at what my parents were staring at and I felt like throwing up.
In one of the pipes connecting to something that looks like a vent was Chess, her huge fish body clogging up the hole. Her guts were spilled out with this black liquid and her dried up scales were flaking off. Her stomach was ripped open and what came out if it was a dead gross pile of baby fish. She must of given birth to them inside the pipe, but no one knows how she got there.