Who is She???

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Not posted on Tumblr :)

Main characters: The Elite Team, one new character ;)

TW: None


It started off as a normal day in the Elite Team mansion. The boys all woke up as the sun was rising, one by one. They had recently completed a rather difficult mission about two days before, so they decided to take today to rest like they did the previous days.

Phil was the first one to wake up. After he got dressed and ready for the day, he went to the kitchen to start preparing breakfast for all four of them. Wilbur was next to wake up, going to the kitchen still in his night clothes and his hair only somewhat fixed. Once he saw Phil making breakfast, he decided to help while the others were still getting up. Tommy was next, fixing his hair but not bothering to change out of his night clothes as he made his way to the kitchen. Breakfast was almost done by now, so he was tasked with setting up the table.

Just as breakfast was done, Techno came out of his room, it being very clear the boy probably woke up to the smell of breakfast and came to the kitchen before doing anything to fix his appearance. All of them have seen him worse, so they didn't say anything to him as they all sat down to eat breakfast. They had small talk over breakfast, cracking a few jokes here and there. Mornings for them, though, were usually quiet and relaxing.

After breakfast, they went their separate ways. Phil went around the house, taking care of the plants that were scattered around the mansion. Wilbur went in his room to finally change out of his night clothes, Tommy doing the same. Techno also went into his room, changing his clothes and fixing his hair.

The other three boys were now in the living room talking whenever Techno came in. They all noticed his clothing choice; it was the clothes he wore whenever he went out in public and didn't want to be recognized. Phil raised an eyebrow at him, Techno understanding his unspoken question.

"I'm gonna go out today, I have somewhere I need to be," He said, fixing the hood on his head as he made his way to the door.

"Is it more 'royal business'?" Tommy asked, leaning back in his chair as he watched Techno slip his shoes on. Techno chuckled and shook his head.

"Nah, Schlatt's been giving me a break for now," He said, standing up straight and reaching for the doorknob.

"I'll probably be out for a few hours," He mentioned before opening the door and stepping out. He glanced back and gave them a small wave, the other three returning the wave. When he closed the door, the three looked at each other.

"What do you think he's doing?" Wilbur asked, the other two shrugging.

"I dunno, he didn't tell me he had any plans for today," Phil said. Tommy shrugged again.

"I'm sure he's got important business things to attend to, even if he won't tell us. Y'know, a man's gotta keep his privacy," He said. The other two gave him a bit of a weird look, glancing at each other with stifled giggles. With that, they decided to drop the topic as they started talking about whatever came to mind.

About three hours passed, and the three were bored. They started to get a bit hungry, too, seeing as they didn't have a big breakfast. They decided to go out to the local tavern for some food, and maybe walk around town for a bit afterwards. The three got ready and left the mansion, heading for the tavern.

They entered the tavern and sat at a table against the wall, talking and joking around. Tommy glanced across the tavern, making a double-take as he noticed something. The other two noticed and looked over.

"Hey, is that... Techno?" Tommy asked, pointing over at the familiar figure that sat at a table across the tavern. The other two nodded, making small noises of agreement.

They were surprised to see Techno sitting across from someone, a girl. She seemed to be a noticeable amount younger than him, with bright red hair and deep blue eyes. What surprised them the most, though, was the fact that they were laughing and smiling, which really wasn't usual if this was someone trying to hire him for a job. One or two jokes were normal, but they seemed to be laughing and joking constantly. They both seemed rather comfortable with each other, which really threw the others off, as Techno took a long time to get that comfortable with them, and they had never seen this girl before.

"Woah, does Techno have... a girlfriend?" Wilbur asked, a bit amazed. The three looked at each other, confirming they were all thinking that.

"I mean, the two do seem rather comfortable with each other. I'm just surprised he never told us," Phil said simply. The other two nodded as they continued to watch Techno and the mysterious girl.

"Should we confront them?" Wilbur asked after a few moments of silence. They all looked at each other. Tommy seemed to be on board with that, but Phil's stern look quickly put the other two's hopes down.

"No, he'll tell us when he's ready." Phil stated. He noticed the disappointed look on both the boy's faces and thought for a moment, before sighing.

"Fine, we'll confront him about it, BUT we'll do it whenever he comes home," He offered with a small smirk. Their eyes lit up with excitement, both nodding excitedly. Phil let out a chuckle, and with one final glance at their other friend, they changed the topic.

After another hour, Techno and the girl got up and walked out of the tavern, neither noticing the three watching them. After a few more minutes, the three finally left the tavern and returned home. Another hour passed before Techno finally returned home...

With the girl.

Techno walked into the mansion, the girl behind him as he opened the door. He walked in first, stepping aside to let her in and closed the door behind her. He turned and noticed his three friends sitting in the living room, looking at the two. He was a bit concerned whenever he saw all of them had a small smirk on their face. Wilbur leaned forward in his seat.

"Hey, Techno. You didn't tell us you had a girlfriend," He teased. Instead of blushing or smiling like the three thought he might, a look of confusion and almost horror filled Techno's face as he let out a confused 'HEH??'. The girl next to him, though, started cackling as if that was the funniest joke she's heard in her entire life. After a moment, Techno started to chuckle too, though he still seemed a bit off. The three men sitting down traded confused glances with each other.

"O-Oh my goddddd," The girl started, having trouble speaking through her laughs. "Y-you think this idiot can get a girlfriend? HA!" She said, doubling over in laughter. Techno rolled his eyes and hit her on the back of the head, making her laugh more.

"This isn't my girlfriend, you nerds. This is my sister," Techno stated, crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe. His friend's eyes all widened in shock and surprise, all of them speechless. They traded glances with each other, none of them knowing what to say. Their expressions made the two siblings laugh.

After about a minute of the two laughing, they both calmed down, and Techno's sister stood up straight. She wiped another tear from her eye and took a deep breath, looking at the three with a smile.

"I'm Rose, it's nice to meet you all," She said. The three boys smiled and waved, but something seemed to be bothering Phil.

"Techno, why didn't you tell us you had a sister?" He asked. Techno shrugged, then smirked.

"I have three, actually."



Disclaimer: I don't know the name's of Techno's sisters irl, so Rose is a name I made up. 

Double post today because I've had both of these ideas for a bit now. 

Also let me know if I should write more serious oneshots, more funny ones, or if I should just do a mix of both. If theres a post or situation you want to see, let me know!

Elite Team Mercenary AU [Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now