
642 32 2

Not posted on Tumblr

Main characters: Techno, Wilbur

(Brief) Mentions: Jschlatt, Phil & Tommy

TW: Violence, blood, death, hypnosis

Not angst :)

Note: This is NOT a romantic ship. It is meant as brotherly/family love :)


The room was scattered with messy and shattered items. Blood was splattered against the walls, also soaking the wooden floor. The metallic stench filled the air. In the room, there were four fresh dead bodies, shoved against the wall haphazardly. Near the center of the room laid a man knocking on death's door, covered in gashes and blood. With terror in his eyes, he used the last bit of his strength to hold his arms in front of his face in a futile effort to protect himself against the man towering over him.

The man had little emotion in his eyes as he stood over the dying man, staring at him with a blank expression. Though, deep in his dark crimson eyes, there seemed to be a certain thirst, a need for something specific. He raised his blood-coated sword, piercing it through the man's stomach. The man on the ground puffed out his last breath, his arms falling as his body went limp.

The need in his eyes seemed to be fulfilled as they shone a dark red momentarily. His eyes were such a dark red they almost appeared black. As he gazed at the dead body in front of him, he slipped the sword out of his stomach. He stared at the blood on his sword, bringing the blade close to his face. He brought the sword to his mouth, licking a bit of the blood off of the blade. He let his arm drop to his side now, his eyes glowing brightly one last time before going back to their dark red color that might as well have been black.

He felt stronger. He also felt nothing.

He stared at the dead bodies that surrounded him, not feeling a sliver of regret or guilt. After a moment, he turned and stepped out of the room, his bloodied shoes leaving footprints behind him as he walked. He made his way through the messy, silent house. The place had been trashed due to all the fighting that had gone on. There were vases and glasses shattered everywhere, a few blood splatters here and there. He made his way to the door, feeling empty and dull. Yet at the same time... fulfilled and powerful.

He opened the door, the cool night air a vast contrast between the stuffy metallic atmosphere he had grown used to. The difference almost gave him a headache, and for a moment he contemplated shutting the door and staying in the trashed building. Though, as he looked ahead of him in the darkness, he knew he wouldn't be able to.

More people...

Means more blood...

There were a couple of men who stood in front of the building. Most of them were in the armor of a royal guard, but two of them were different.

One had a light blue robe with fur on its edges. He had ram horns coming from the side of his head, and a crown in between them on top of his brown hair. His expression was serious and almost concerned, maybe even a little scared or worried.

King Jschlatt.

The other was a lot more familiar to him. A cream shirt with black pants and boots. He held a stringed instrument in his hands, his golden eyes a bit nervous, yet somehow confident at the same time.


Techno stared at Wilbur, an internal battle going on in his head. All his emotions were pushed away, almost nonexistent. But, whenever he looked at the boy, he felt... something. Love. Compassion. Care.

The want to protect.

He felt frozen as he stared at the man, at war between his wants and emotions... at least, the few emotions that were there. Wilbur gave him a small, gentle smile. A smile that seemed to unlock some more of Techno's hidden emotions. And yet, even with these new emotions unlocked, emotions of kindness and playfulness, he couldn't shake the want of bloodshed.

Wilbur held his instrument up, making eye contact with Techno as he began to strum a few, gentle chords. Techno was entranced by the sound as Wilbur began to gently sing, and he couldn't take his eyes off the boy. He didn't even notice his feet as they began moving on their own, following Wilbur back into a decently-sized carriage. Not once did the two break eye contact, and not once did Wilbur stop his gentle playing as Techno managed to climb in the carriage and sit across from Wilbur without even thinking about it.

In fact, he wasn't thinking about anything.

All he was focused on was the gentle singing of the boy in front of him. His voice was smooth and gentle, like an angel's feather or snow slowly falling. His eyes were a beautiful golden color, and Techno felt... hypnotized by them. The world around him seemed to disappear as he focused solely on the musician.

Techno had no sense of time as Wilbur continued to sing. Wilbur slowly stood up and carefully backed out the door of the carriage, somehow maintaining eye contact with Techno the entire time. Techno felt compelled to stand, and he made his way out the carriage still entranced by the singing man in front of him.

He didn't notice as Wilbur lead him inside a familiar mansion. He didn't notice the guards around them, walking by them as they opened the doors for them. He didn't notice how dark or cool it was inside the large house. He didn't notice himself walking up the stairs and into the familiar bedroom he called his own. He didn't notice himself laying down on his bed, his eyes suddenly getting heavy. For the first time ever since Wilbur started singing, the two finally broke eye contact. Techno still felt drawn to his friend, but not as entranced as he was before.

Instead, sleep called to him as it made his eyelids heavy. Wilbur's gentle singing, presumably singing a lullaby, made him feel calm and easy. Sleep slowly engulfed him. 


Techno woke up very slowly. His head hurt, and so did some random parts of his body. He groaned, lifting his hands up and rubbing his eyes, opening them slowly. The morning light that filtered through the window threatened to blind him. After blinking a few times, he finally had his eyes fully open. He glanced around, recognizing the familiarity of his room. Though, something still felt... off. He looked down at himself, and that's when he figured out what was wrong.

He was still in his clothes from last night; blood-soaked and somewhat-torn. He groaned as he sat up, swinging his legs off the bed. His bare feet met the familiar, cool, wood floor. Slowly, he stood up and dragged himself to his closet. He picked his most comfortable outfit and tossed it on, worrying about washing up another time. He threw his bloodied clothes off to the side, deciding he'd also worry about those later.

As he made his way out of his room and down the stairs, he tried to remember what happened last night. Through bits and pieces, he had a general idea of what happened. He had successfully completed his mission, and Wilbur came to get him. Then he woke up, at home and in his bed. He had just hoped he hadn't...

Whenever Techno's face popped up in the dining room, the other three looked at him with welcoming smiles. Techno tried to muster the best smile he could at the three, though his tiredness shone through. The others didn't say anything as they went back to what they were doing.

Techno shot a glance at Wilbur, a bit of concern in his eyes. Wilbur noticed and smiled gently, shaking his head 'no'. Techno sighed in relief as he walked over and joined them at the table.

Another successful mission...

And another night without accidentally hurting one of them...


If this was bad, I'm sorry, I am running on one hour of sleep :') 

Also the next oneshot will be long, and I'll probably have to split it into two parts. I was supposed to finish that one first THEN make this one, buuuut as I realized how long it was gonna be, I decided to post this one first. 

I'll try my best, but don't expect daily updates. I got streams to watch and no attention span. I'll try to aim for an update at least once every 3 days

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